Example sentences of "his [noun sg] be say to " in BNC.

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1 His condition is said to be giving cause for concern .
2 His condition is said to be stable and detectives at his bedside are hoping he may be able to give them more information about the attack .
3 He is also being treated at Middlesbrough General Hospital , where his condition is said to be stable and his life not in danger .
4 He is now undergoing treatment for a jaw injury in Middlesbrough General Hospital where his condition is said to be stable .
5 He was admitted to hospital and his condition was said to be ‘ critical ’ .
6 A man who is so abnormal as to weep at the death of his wife is said to be behaving illogically .
7 It might be bending the law , but could the director and his wife be said to be ‘ the person making the car available to them ’ ?
8 He had insisted , so the story went , that he knew — and his knowledge was said to be based on information handed down from Choco ancestors long dead but unforgotten — what no one else in Panama knew ( or apparently wanted to ) , and no one in the world of historical scholarship knew either .
9 He felt as if his address was saying to Broch : ‘ Do n't be afraid , you have been afraid enough for us .
10 His power was said to be so great that each one of the dhāmis , when possessed by him , could split an iron cooking tripod with a single blow of his naked hand .
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