Example sentences of "his [noun sg] in [v-ing] the " in BNC.

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31 His confidence in facing the world seemed genuine enough , with little room for self-doubt .
32 This is a pity for his achievement in securing the crucial Committee vote deserves the members ' recognition for his astuteness .
33 From that initial claim on your attention , he would proceed rapidly to inform you of his achievement in preserving the Albert Dock complex in Liverpool — now the largest tourist attraction in the north of England — from wanton , council-approved destruction ; of his professional status as author of the standard textbook on Concise Practical Surveying and the Structural Masonry Designers ’ Manuals ; of his intellectual attainment in completing a doctoral thesis in ten months ; of his physical prowess as a pensionable leader of Very Severe rockclimbs and skier down the most precipitous slopes .
34 DR PETER MITCHELL , the biochemist who has died aged 71 , won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1978 for his achievement in explaining the chemical processes by which living cells generate energy from food .
35 And it is because the new humanity is made up of free men and women that God wishes that all should be saved : his delay in invading the world and bringing an end to history is to allow time for the new humanity to supplant the old .
36 The new Defence Minister , understood to be a strong supporter of Saddam Hussein 's stance on Kuwait , had been Inspector General of the armed forces and previously a deputy Chief of Staff , and had been decorated for his service in commanding the First Army Special Corps during the Iran-Iraq war .
37 Dr George Carey , the Archbishop of Canterbury , now faces the toughest test of his leadership in holding the church together .
38 However , the leading man by his astuteness in obtaining the most beneficial terms for the conditions applying to the pitch he was hoping to take , could realise a goodly income for himself and the others .
39 Confronted with evidence that the performer in question was neither Japanese nor female , and in any event was dressed in pantaloons , Parkinson confessed that he had difficulty observing the performance , and that his object in making the allegation was to revoke the Aquarium 's dancing licence .
40 His argument in distinguishing the Manchester Corporation case is difficult to accept but his decision was supported by the Faulks Committee on Defamation ( 1975 ) : Report of the Committee .
41 The first Conservative to utter this call was not , as A. J. P. Taylor has said , Churchill , but Lord Hailsham ; Attorney-General and Lord Chancellor in Baldwin 's 1924–9 Conservative government , Hailsham was excluded from the National Government as unacceptable to National Labour , on account of his role in piloting the 1927 Trades Disputes Act through Parliament , and ( along with Leo Amery ) to the Samuelite Liberals , on account of his support for tariffs .
42 Gen. Marin Neagoe , a former divisional chief of the Securitate security forces , was imprisoned for seven years on May 29 for his role in suppressing the riots ; on May 10 the former Securitate chief Julian Vlad had been among those sentenced to prison terms of up to five years [ see p. 38207 ] .
43 Unlike Kissinger , Le Duc Tho declined the Nobel Peace Prize offered to him for his role in negotiating the agreements .
44 He 's been given the award for his role in ending the Cold War , freeing the Eastern Block and resolving regional conflicts .
45 He comes first to notice for his role in planning the rebuilding of Northampton after the fire of 1675 .
46 On Aug. 14 the president of the International Committee of the Red Cross , Cornelio Sommaruga , issued a statement thanking the Libyan leader , Col. Moamar al Kadhafi , for his role in securing the release of the two hostages .
47 He retired from the imperial throne in AD 305 and spent the last nine years of his life in cultivating the soil of his native Dalmatia , constructing the city which still forms the heart of modern Split and , according to Gibbon , enjoying the ‘ most exquisite trout ’ which were bred in ‘ the little stream of the Hyader ’ ( now the Jadro ) .
48 Mountbatten 's especial qualification in Attlee 's eyes for the job of viceroy was his success in getting the Burmese nationalists to come in on the British side in the closing stages of the war ; it was Attlee 's firm belief in later life , as indeed it was Mountbatten 's , that if Mountbatten had been left in charge in Rangoon , Burma would never have left the Commonwealth .
49 Morel , a shipping clerk who had taken up campaigning journalism on behalf of Liverpool 's African merchant interests , set up the Congo Reform Association in 1903 , following his success in persuading the Government to issue a formal protest about the brutal regime of forced labour exercised by the Belgian King , Leopold , in the Congo .
50 About 1720 Furber had published an engraving of a tulip tree , a magnolia ( then considered another species of tulip tree ) , and a silk cotton tree , all from the garden of Thomas Herbert , eighth Earl of Pembroke [ q.v. ] , and presumably supplied by the nurseryman , who prefaced his tree catalogue with a pleased account of his success in propagating the tulip tree , ‘ notwithstanding some Writers have thought it difficult ’ .
51 Until after the revolution , his power and influence depended above all on his success in articulating the aspirations of a substantial plebeian constituency in Russia .
52 Saddam 's War takes us up as far as the back-end of last year , but the core of the book is concerned with Saddam 's rise to power and his success in surviving the Iran-Iraq War and turning Iraq into the most heavily armed state in the Arab world .
53 His success in winning the confidence of the people in one of Bristol 's poorest areas paradoxically led to his dismissal .
54 Setting up safe havens for persecuted Moslems would be a re-run of his success in protecting the Kurds in northern Iraq , a move which earned Mr Major world-wide credit .
55 Hahnemann and his homoeopathy had already gained considerable prestige from his success in treating the typhus epidemic which swept into Europe in the wake of Napoleon 's retreat from Moscow in 1813 .
56 As a leader , Cade was able to maintain discipline among his men , at least until they reached London , and his success in defeating the force sent against him argues that he possessed some military capacity .
57 A created universe , unlike one that had always existed , was one in which the Creator had been free to exercise His will in devising the laws that nature should obey .
58 In his biography , O'Neill mentions his innovation in sending the government 's condolences and explains the Lord Mayor 's action as ‘ responding to the general atmosphere ’ ; an atmosphere which O'Neill was helping to create .
59 But the 59-year-old actor had to endure another 15 minutes of crucial legal argument to discover if his gamble in refusing The Sun 's pre-trial settlement offer of £50,000 — made on October 7 — had backfired and meant he would have to pay the bulk of the estimated £200,000 costs of the case .
60 No one was more aware of the functional significance of his popularity in binding the masses to him , and hence to the regime , than Hitler himself .
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