Example sentences of "his [noun sg] and they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Mary was his lieutenant and they worked together wonderfully well .
2 Their tangible presence passing over glazed tiles to where Francis had made his dive and they looked over , as the others had done , only they were n't laughing .
3 And the man was er , accepted Christ as his saviour and they went down and Philip baptized in there , in in in the river .
4 George got financial support from Parliament for troops to defend his Electorate and they did well enough to maintain his position , but he could not establish in office the ministers he really wanted , who would have been committed to full-scale involvement in Germany , so that he had to put up with a government which was not completely devoted to fighting on the continent of Europe .
5 I remember when you and your brother were little , Lyn , Joanne was n't born , old Mr Crane over at Loomlade got killed in his car and they closed the electric shop two days out of respect and the branch in Byss . "
6 Convena did all his work and they asked him to go to London you know , there 's some was on years ago so he goes to the headquarters and he said he just could n't believe it , he turned on him and said you 're a shallow bloody hypocrite he said !
7 He summoned his subject kings and princes to his assistance and they marched to join him , eating up the land as they came , for they numbered two hundred thousand men .
8 When Sir Adam appeared on HTV 's " Press Call " , I arranged for Giles to meet his hero and they had lunch together .
9 He gets the audit done to help his team and they know it , welcoming it .
10 He finished his drink and they walked down Hatton Garden together .
11 He made the effort to say something pleasant to his wife and they drank a glass of wine together for the first time in weeks .
12 Robert is a trapper and Helen is his wife and they live in the log cabin .
13 He described his frightening journey down the A9 when at one stage the ‘ gun ’ had been stuck to his head and they had threatened to kill him .
14 TV aerials : one of the drama groups did a sketch about James Logie Baird who invented the television , and the man who lodged in the room next door to him kept on seeing pictures flashing on his wall and they dragged him off to the lunatic asylum 'cos they thought he was seeing things , hallucinating .
15 He has set out the terms of his covenant and they have been agreed .
16 Her mouth was within an inch of his chin and they clung to one another for a heart-stopping moment , getting breath and balance back , before he thrust her aside .
17 Most colonists remained loyal subjects of the King , but they paid very little money to him and his government and they received very little help , financial or military , from it .
18 Murray bought his compass and they walked on together , beginning the skein of meaningless jokes and catchwords which was to bind them together in the next few weeks .
19 And when Simon , they they laid their hands on the folk and God in his graciousness pours out his spirit and they receive the Holy Spirit .
20 and , and if she 's already scared of his temper and they 've not even lived together , well they have lived together for quite a while actually so I mean it 's not like they do n't know each other but once they 're married and they 've been married for a couple of years I reckon , and he starts thinking of her more as a possession sort of thing I can , I can really imagine
21 In 1947 Claud decided to make a complete break with his past and they settled near her family home in Youghal in a derelict Georgian mansion belonging to an American policeman which they rented for £150 a year .
22 He touched the other man 's arm ; at once he dropped his cup and they came towards her .
23 Mathers span the wheel with the heel of his hand and they bounced back on to the approach road .
24 Sweetheart gripped his hand and they hurried in silence down the side of Brooke Parker 's and through the iron gate at the bottom of the slope .
25 The man with the baskets tried to kick a couple of scrawny hens out of his path and they fluttered towards the edge of the road .
26 You know Dr , when I was a young man this billionaire had his had his daughter and son kidnapped and held in a barn on his farm and they wanted twenty million pound ransom for them .
27 In the end Sun chief executive officer Scott McNealy had his way and they came as twin cannon shots .
28 In the end Sun chief executive Scott McNealy had his way and they came as twin cannon shots .
29 changing headmasters at his school and they had a terrible reputation one time .
30 And now William was the last surviving friend of his childhood and they met as dissidents who have escaped the Gulag but left their roots behind and need each other to share the memories .
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