Example sentences of "his [noun sg] and say [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He smiled a little , and with the ice broken they discussed dogs until he looked at his watch and said he would have to go .
2 He was always looking at his watch and saying he 'd have to go and — ’
3 He did n't like the sound of that much , so he changed his mind and said he might not have time , anyway , after his other reading in a church hall .
4 ' … which he thought he might have been wearing that afternoon and then changed his mind and said he had n't , ’ continued Harris , unperturbed by the interruption .
5 The architect explains his reasoning and says he thinks the tenant might enjoy the privacy .
6 Well he should n't have opened his gob and said it should he ?
7 He nodded and departed , and I relayed the request to the barman who shook his head and said he was down to six cubes .
8 Hubert bowed his head and said he was aware of it ; but that there was nothing else he wanted to do .
9 I asked him why but he just smiled , shook his head and said he would tell me in his own good time .
10 Despite his lead , Parry was not fully satisfied with his game and said he was kept in the hunt only by his putting .
11 ‘ He bumbled and tugged at his ear and said he hoped I might call again at a more opportune moment , though I did not believe a word of it .
12 They laughed along when Norm theatrically sipped his Scotch and said he was sure that would be welcomed on all sides of the house and especially in Scotland .
13 He would n't chase her after reading the letter she had left for him , politely thanking him for his hospitality and saying she was returning to Palma to complete her work before returning to England .
14 When questioned William Black , 46 , of Rowson Street , admitted his involvement and said he spent the money on ‘ drink and having a good time ’ .
15 And then Boy cut back to the man on the bed , who was saying ( actually it was a different man in a different room , Boy realised ; the sofa and the quilted nylon counterpane were in a different colour in this room , though the man sitting there looked just like the last one ) , the man was saying I like your shoes , please take off your shoes ; and Boy cut backwards and forwards between this man and the politician beginning to lose his self-control and saying I would just ask people to forgive me really and to forgive my wife as well .
16 Finally he took me in to his office and said he was looking for Girls to work at the Winter Gardens , Blackpool .
17 The singing star , like so many others before him , was impressed by his reception and says he wants to return .
18 ‘ John was put in a corner recently and asked about his fitness and said he thought he would be back in November .
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