Example sentences of "his [noun sg] [v-ing] against the " in BNC.

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1 Isabelle nudges him and his head falls forward over the coffee table , tips of his hair brushing against the largest lump of heroin .
2 One of the men at the head of the table rose , his glass in his hand , the gold of his ring clinking against the crystal .
3 Fran swallowed hard , feeling the hard outline of his body pressing against the soft curve of her breast in a way that seemed to steal her breath .
4 When the constable called , he left his bicycle leaning against the signalbox wall and it screeched a little way along the wall before coming to a rest ; the sound was to remain in Mr Daubney 's memory for reasons that will be revealed .
5 Arthur Evans was still on the sofa , only now he was sitting limp with his head resting against the arm .
6 His knees buckled and he slumped unconscious to the floor of the cockpit , his head lolling against the moulded seat .
7 The dead man fell backwards , his head cracking against the lap of a stone buddha .
8 He had fallen badly , his head smashing against the chipped sink with enough force to crack his skull like a breakfast egg .
9 He staggered , his back slamming against the wall across the aisle .
10 He was coughing violently , his stomach heaving against the foul taste of beck-water .
11 He tilted her chin upwards , forcing her to look into his predatory hawklike features , his thumb rubbing against the fullness of her lower lip .
12 He waited until he could hear the water pot being pulled across the floor of the hut and then he entered to find his mother leaning against the mud wall and screaming for the doctor .
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