Example sentences of "his [noun sg] [coord] that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Rachel glanced quickly at David , wondering if that statement was going to be the closest he came to admitting that the care of Jennifer should have been his responsibility and that he had opted out , but his expression remained impassive , giving away nothing of his feelings .
2 This is an interesting passage because Platt B. is effectively saying that an undertaking to pay this excessive charge had been extracted from the clerk before he commenced his search and that he could not honestly have gone back on that undertaking .
3 He woke in a fury two hours afterward , and said that she had upset his rhythm and that he had to make some calls .
4 The point is clear : if the hon. Gentleman feels that he is totally committed to his mandate and that he has not changed his opinion , he should ask the electors of Dunfermline , not me .
5 But it seemed to me that I had not properly answered his question and that he was really voicing the unthinking complaint of the people who lived in the little houses all over the world .
6 Some also suggested that a national holiday be established in his honour or that he be given some honorific title — le Bienfaisant or ( significantly ) Le Père du Peuple .
7 The result was that after two years out of racing , Niki asked Ron Dennis to give him a private test — mainly to assure himself that he had not lost his skill and that he could face the new world of FI wing cars , quicker and much more road-adhering than the old generation .
8 Mr Fuchs claims that he repeatedly warned the city council of the administrative shambles in his museum and that he had proposed to bring in management consultants , a request which was refused on grounds of cost .
9 It would be convenient to report that Ross Cranston 's performance was as immaculate as his appearance or that it is on him that the smart money will be laid .
10 Mr Burns was not available for comment yesterday but the council convener , Jimmy McGinley , said : ‘ I understand Willie 's problems relate to the collapse of his business and that he has already lost his home over this .
11 Even after his first round of 69 , Woosnam was still maintaining that he had not been looking forward to playing , that it had not done much for his confidence and that he was still very nervous with the putter in his hand .
12 He once claimed to me that he was able to open a beer bottle with his eye and that it would cost me $29 for the privilege of seeing the trick .
13 It was to be alleged that the respondent had pushed the father of the two brothers so violently that he fell and cut his head and that he dragged or threw their sister in such a way as to cause bruising to her arm and neck .
14 After the passage quoted just above concerning the esteem in which Molla Fenari was held and his place in the state , and before passing on to the next event in his life , namely his going on the pilgrimage in 822 ( 8 Dhu " l-Hijja = 26 December 1419 ) , Ibn Hajar writes that Molla Fenari became widely known for his erudition and that he was both pious and abundant in culture and merit " except that he was censured for [ espousing ] the sect of Ibn al- " Arabi and for the fact that he taught the and affirmed it " : he goes on to say that Molla Fenari , on the advice of friends , abjured mention of the subject in Egypt .
15 He laughed and said it was beyond his remit and that it would be a long time before public health became a genuine national concept .
16 The judge found that the substance of the post-termination commission clause was that in the event of termination following a prescribed period of service , commission would be paid to the plaintiff in respect of premiums actually paid under the relevant policies issued during his appointment but that it was subject to the proviso that the agent 's entitlement to such commission would cease if he entered into competing activities .
17 By the time a patient comes to consult me ( of any other professional therapist for that matter ) , he is aware that he has some sort of problem in his life and that he wants to get to the bottom of it .
18 Now , he does think that the one and the mind is present to every one of us , erm , but I also take it that erm he er thought that he himself , had been able to ascend to the one er four times in the course of his life and that he also thought that some of his students were of better contemplation than others and erm so he may also have thought as Plato did , that some people are more inclined towards philosophy than others .
19 You 're lucky in a way that he 's there , and lucky , too , that he 's got his music and that it 's bringing him a name , for it 's some sort of compensation in the meantime , helping his waiting . ’
20 He simply said that he did not know how the M.P.s would react in his favour but that he counted on me to work with him .
21 M was informed that his fellow directors had lost confidence in him , that they were not satisfied with his performance and that he must improve .
22 Bennett J found that the defendant had not copied any formulae from the book ; that he had not been warned as to secrecy when he entered his employment and that he was able to learn the relevant processes without difficulty ; indeed this was information which he could not help acquiring in the course of his work .
23 She insists that we should see God primarily as all loving , and claims that ‘ ’ Love is his meaning'' and that we are all enfolded in that love .
24 He knew he ought to feel guilty about Cora-Beth , to whom he had not yet written the promised letter , but with a telegram already despatched to Mrs Appleby , advising her of his visit and that he would be bringing a young lady , he told himself that it was too late to change the arrangement .
25 The police assured her they were certain that no warrant had been issued for his arrest and that they did not even know his name .
26 All I can say is that the yes of God 's love is stronger than the no of his judgment and that I do believe that despite all the shadows and elements of chaos in the world , in the universe and in life , God 's love is stronger and he is a God of love .
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