Example sentences of "his [noun sg] [prep] [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 That is what we propose to do , and in his heart of hearts the hon. Gentleman and many other Conservative Members know that that is the right course .
2 Distinguished guests fared only a little better ‘ … a pleasant fiction and cheerful jest of the captain 's … a profoundly preposterous box ’ was how Charles Dickens described his cabin on board the Britannia in which he crossed the Atlantic on his trip to America in 1842 .
3 His loss could be less than £5 if , for example , in his contract with Q the price was £104 .
4 He sued the defendant for procuring a breach of his contract with X. The action was dismissed because there was no contract , since the identity of the plaintiff was , in the circumstances , material to the formation of the alleged contract ; and alternatively , even if there had been a valid contract , the principle stated above would prevent the action from lying .
5 The Court held that under his contract of employment the employer was entitled to send Mr Stevenson to any of its sites as required .
6 No-one was aware of his presence on board the aircraft until engineers saw the rush of air .
7 Mr Smith made his demolition of Major the centrepiece of a 48-minute speech which had his party on its feet .
8 Well that 's it , that , that 's a very good starting point because one point that Freud er makes in the book and Andrea er alluded to but is , is very important in fact he calls it , there 's a little sub-section of the book called the Analogy and this is the erm analogy that Freud is gon na use for his study of Moseism the analogy he gives , er can you remember it Andrea ?
9 After his defeat at Naseby the Parliamentarians found and published copies of his letters in which he had requested Roman Catholic troops to be landed from Ireland and from the Continent .
10 And just after his term of office the Kaiser-Wilhelm Society for the Promotion of Science was grounded ( 1910 ) , whose eminences included Max Planck and Albert Einstein ; the Society became the Max Planck Institut in 1948 .
11 The deal was agreed on a Friday night and Dunne was rushed to London to make his début against Middlesbrough the next day .
12 As Endill was walking back to his dormitory after lessons the next day he heard a faint ticking at the end of the main corridor .
13 On the other hand the owner is clearly involved in the business and may well use his car for business the question is how much .
14 Poindexter remembered that Casey invited himself , that they ate sandwiches , and that they discussed what Casey had said in his briefing of Congress the previous day .
15 My father had first er he had , him being an engineer , and had been working in Glasgow after his er having served his apprenticeship at Amos the , it was the thing to go to Glasgow in these days which was the centre of all engineering activity , and er to gain experience he went to Glasgow .
16 On his return to England the SRS was expanded , becoming 1 SAS Regiment , with Mayne promoted to lieutenant-colonel , forming part of the SAS brigade .
17 On his return to Ireland the party split .
18 President Mubarak visited Iraq , Kuwait and Saudi Arabia on July 24 , and on his return to Egypt the following day he announced that Iraqi and Kuwaiti delegations would meet in Jeddah in late July .
19 On his return to Havana the following June he enrolled in the Communist Youth .
20 This seems to have been the only time that the English king led his men to victory : had the negotiations which preceded his return from exile the same year included a stipulation by those who complained about his previous behaviour ( see below ) that henceforth there should be more determination in dealing with the enemy ?
21 On his return from Aden the French communist party was unequivocally beckoning Paul Nizan .
22 However , by retaining his flexibility of action the Secretary of State has drafted the Bill so as to allow him to weaken the necessary protections .
23 At the same time it needs to be stressed that despite his close relations with Wagner the man and his reverence for Wagner the artist , Nietzsche 's first-hand acquaintance with his idol 's artistic achievements was in one important respect limited : experience of Wagnerian music drama in its proper theatrical setting was largely denied him .
24 During his period of oblivion the weather had changed , dramatically .
25 During his period of editorship the quality of all BDA publications reached a high standard , and the BDN grew into a tabloid-type newspaper , livelier , more pictorial and more hard-hitting than ever before .
26 Throughout his period of office the COS was represented in government enquiries into social problems and pressed their principles upon government , often to the exclusion of others .
27 Whether he had been there by accident or whether he had spotted me arriving and slunk into position I shall never know , but from his point of view the result must have been eminently satisfactory because it was certainly the worst fright I have ever had .
28 But no American politician , especially a wealthy one , is going to last two minutes if he 's caught looking down his nose at folk the way the French do .
29 He told her the one about the grand lady and the taxi driver who was reluctant to take her and her poodle home in his cab in case the dog wet the seat .
30 er er so what he 's done , he 's kept that money back to cover his self in case the tax say like they want twenty five percent .
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