Example sentences of "his [noun sg] [prep] [v-ing] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Congress derided President Truman 's domestic program , passed significant legislation over his veto and generally dismissed his hope of extending the Roosevelt New Deal into the Truman Fair Deal . ’
2 President Ishaq has made a dignified statement about his enthusiasm for upholding the constitution .
3 Sometimes Papert 's writings and his enthusiasm for changing the structure of education seem to place him in affinity with such educational radicals as Ivan Illich and Everett Reimer , but this is misleading .
4 He also gave me his own way of planning little dialogues , and his technique of distinguishing the three tones of the language , which could alter the meaning of what looked to an English eye to be the same word , often with unexpected , humorous or even disastrous effect .
5 I actually thought that his technique for unpacking the hidden history of products was despicable .
6 ‘ Many scholars have suggested that she broke his heart by ending the relationship , ’ Hawkins says from his home in Blandford , Dorset .
7 Mr Lawson did , however , play his part in taking the Prime Minister to that peak of economic success from which the poll tax plan was launched .
8 Playing his part in meeting the challenge is the prospect Bill relishes .
9 He had served 27 years on Robben Island along with Mandela and other political prisoners , for his part in launching the PAC 's armed resistance in the early 1960s .
10 Leslie was in a rapture of courage to play his part in finishing the war .
11 Ten years before , in December 1978 , Deng Xiaoping had given his support to reforming the economy first in the rural areas then in the cities .
12 Mexico 's president , Carlos Salinas , announced his support for giving the central bank autonomy over monetary policy .
13 Thanks to Jonathan Poole for his support in lending the Russian Sculpture .
14 He promised Markov 's widow his support in uncovering the truth about the killing .
15 It also reinforces his case by demonstrating the implications of not giving him the cash that he needs .
16 The jury may have understood the phrase to refer to small or trifling amounts , and followed his direction by awarding the sort of sum they imagined in the coffers of Scrooge McDuck .
17 Thorp director & name presents & name with his award for winning the THORP logo competition
18 Bert watched Yanto jump on his bike without touching the pedals .
19 Apart from his difficulty in hearing the contrast the Tamil speaker will also have difficulty producing both th and [ 0 ] .
20 The society obviously accepted that the resigning secretary acted in good faith , for a month later it passed a vote of thanks to Huntingford for ‘ his unremitting zeal in extending the extra connection of the Society , and in soliciting the correspondence of other Agriculture Societies and Individuals , and his Diligence in forwarding the attendance of Committees , in preparing the business of all meetings and in arranging the correspondence and other Communications to the Society ’ .
21 The dealer has also become something of a legend for his expertise in detecting the growing number of Basquiat fakes , an issue that is bound to attract further attention as the first retrospective of Basquiat 's entire career opens at the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York this autumn .
22 A good teacher will constantly exercise his ingenuity in making the new intelligible .
23 It is appropriate , therefore , to consider the preparation for his activities in Korea afforded by his experience in directing the affairs of Japan between 1945 and 1950 .
24 This was his responsibility for protecting the rights , lands , and privileges of the church of Canterbury .
25 They added 179 in just 50 overs , with Smith scoring 70 of his runs in boundaries , an indication of his ruthlessness in punishing the bad ball .
26 One day , soon after the girl 's departure , Tom had complained of pains in his chest after digging the new potato patch , a job which had formerly been undertaken by a youthful employee who had also disappeared into the army .
27 Questions and comments , feelings and comparisons kept interrupting his attempt at contemplating the work .
28 It was not put to him … that he authorised the son to act as his agent in procuring the execution of the documents .
29 We learn that he has not only killed his brother-in-law for opposing the Iranian government but that he unrepentantly believes that ‘ war is the source of love and hope and satisfaction . ’
30 One senses that a few bowling attacks are likely to feel the frustration of Smith as he works out his disappointment at missing the latter stages of the World Cup .
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