Example sentences of "his [noun sg] [noun] [coord] take " in BNC.

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1 She opened the back of his watch case and took out the curl of golden hair .
2 Instead he 'd fill his aluminium container and take it back to boil on his small gas cooker .
3 His story was that he had collapsed with exhaustion and thirst when a passing American schooner had seen his distress signals and taken him aboard .
4 He shaved , changed his doublet , put on his sword belt and took his heaviest cloak from its hook outside the buttery .
5 Cy reached inside his jacket pocket and took out a phial of pills .
6 Such was the power of Luke Hunter 's voice that Folly saw the policeman reach automatically towards his breast pocket and take out a notebook .
7 He made his pistol safe and took the rifle with its tell-tale bayonet point from the sob-shaken creature standing in the shadows .
8 The three lapsed into silence until the lorry was rumbling over Tower Bridge , then Freddie slipped his hand into his coat pocket and took out a handful of silver .
9 He pushed her towards the door , then reached into his coat pocket and took out a packet of cigarettes .
10 He creaked forward in his cane chair and took her restless hand between his narrow ones .
11 She straightened his school cap and took hold of his hand firmly .
12 With respect to the question of the dating of the campaigns , however , the principal Arabic source , Ibn Hajar , writes in a different context that in Sha'ban 820/September-October 1417 , the Ottoman ruler ( Mehmed I ) , alter having besieged Konya , seized Karamanoglu Mehmed Bey and his son Mustafa and took possession of Konya , Kayseri , and most of the Karamanid lands .
13 He would then marry her and return with her to Venezuela , where he would return his hire car and take his new wife to his humble home .
14 The information should enable the recipient to evaluate the opportunity against his acquisition criteria and to take an instant decision to reject or proceed with the opportunity .
15 He fished into his tunic pocket and took out his ID , handing it across to her .
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