Example sentences of "his [adj] [noun] then [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 He dialled 999 on his mobile phone then grappled with one of the thieves before the three men escaped empty-handed in another car .
2 His future career then seemed uncertain : he qualified for the bar at the Inner Temple , ran a hostel for disadvantaged boys , Edghill House , Sydenham ( 1913–15 ) , and then began schoolmastering at Strand School , Brixton .
3 Just for a second she met his curious gaze then looked away , feeling her heart pounding in a way that made her feel sick .
4 Barak scratched his stubbled chin then sat on the edge of the sofa .
5 The signalman guffawed at his own punchline then disappeared from view , closing the window after him .
6 A tape recording believed to be of his last words proves he executed his young family then killed himself , according to a newspaper report in America .
7 Richard was killed in the battle at Wakefield in December 1460 , so his eldest son then entered London and became King Edward IV .
8 His Royal Highness then singled out those who were to receive awards for special praise before moving the traditional resolution recognising and honouring the work of all crews and voluntary workers .
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