Example sentences of "his [noun] if he had " in BNC.

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1 Such an accusation is hardly likely to have been invented by his enemies if he had not performed miracles .
2 The damages will be based on the amount the employee would or could have otherwise earned and the benefits he would have otherwise received during the unexpired term of his contract if he had not been dismissed .
3 Oslin Williams , who was severely burned last year in a fire which killed his father at their caravan home , would have died from asphyxiation due to scarring of his windpipe if he had not had the operation , surgeons said .
4 Because of the circumstances under which most replacement gutters are fitted , however , they may not join up as beautifully as you 'd like , which may mean that they need more regular cleaning — but do n't rush to criticise your builder — it probably was n't his fault if he had to join up to existing work .
5 But no warning could check Arthur Conway 's fury , and with a lightning leap he managed to grip the young man 's throat , and so fiercely that he forced him backwards , only the next moment to have his arms snapped downwards , when he would have fallen on his back if he had n't come up against the coalhouse wall and , unfortunately , a shovel that was propped there .
6 hard luck , no I 'd like to see what he 'd do with his stuff if he had to pay with it , pay for it himself .
7 It was often , and still is , alleged by his devotees that Charles I could have saved his life if he had been willing to abandon his Church .
8 And I was tel telling , I did n't realize that erm not getting a fa erm a squint patched was erm as dangerous as it is , as , I was told by the ophthalamagist that she could , he could lose his eyesight if he had n't erm did n't get his eye patched because they will stop using the eye , and the eyesight would go .
9 He was not entitled to withdraw the money in his account if he had obtained it by means of a false cheque .
10 Asked by his doctor if he had recovered from flu , he said that he was fine but one of the clocks was going badly , and would the doctor come and have a look at it as soon as it was possible .
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