Example sentences of "his [noun] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 And he actually took her arm , quite simply and confidently , and rushed her on the wings of his enthusiasm down through the green complexities of the bowl , between the crisp , serrated walls , across the fragments of tiled pavement , past the forum pillars , down to where the emerald turf sloped off under a token wire barrier to the riverside path and the waters of the Comer .
2 William Clark put his resignation in on the day of the ceasefire .
3 In the course of his summing up to the jury , he stated :
4 They are pursued by the ever-vengeful Wes Studi who blames the Colonel for massacring his family and literally rips his heart out in the heat of battle .
5 Then , very slowly and deliberately , Doyle tore the two halves of the photograph across and across , into a shower of tiny pieces that fell through his fingers on to the floor .
6 His snowdrops were already wilting like wax candles in the warmth of his hand , and as he copied the mourners ahead of him and stood up , one flower slipped between his fingers on to the rust-coloured floor .
7 There was a glimmer of amusement in his dark eyes as he slid his fingers down to the pulse drumming wildly at the base of her throat .
8 frank dropped his hands and would have fallen , had she not steadied him and guided his fingers back to the bandage .
9 The most prevalent conspiracy theory in Iraq nowadays is that the West never wanted to get rid of Saddam and were actually on his side , helping him to flush his enemies out into the open .
10 But he had to play his part through to the end .
11 round about the first world war time , he used this sort of sort of pitching his tent up to the and staying there and learning their language and observing their rituals , getting to know them .
12 At last Couville put his goblet down on the floor beside him .
13 Clinton put his goblet down on the table , bade us good night and walked softly away .
14 He gripped it with his hands , got his foot on to the latch , heaved up and rolled over the top .
15 Not a word as he put his foot back in the stirrup iron ( only stable boys and jockeys jump up from the ground ) a hand across the saddle-tree , and he was up , quick and certain as a fly landing .
16 He had rammed his foot down on the accelerator , the Mercedes shot forward , the little grey 's neck jerked frantically and she cartwheeled violently in the air crashing to the ground , to be dragged ten feet before Angel braked .
17 Pushing his foot down on the accelerator , Anthony thrust the car forward .
18 The man pocketed the wallet , and jabbed his foot down on the accelerator .
19 ‘ They 're on to us , ’ he groaned , wondering whether he should put his foot down on the accelerator instead .
20 He rammed his foot down on the brake and sent the car into a fizzing convulsion of rev and whinny .
21 He jammed his foot down on the accelerator and the car shot forward .
22 It is up to your supplier to get his money back from the manufacturer .
23 He has now demanded his money back from the Newport Advertiser in Shropshire , which has apologised .
24 After several more sessions out in the country , Hoomey got the hand of it , and learned that , even if he could n't stop , he could steer , and that sitting on Bones 's enormous flights through the atmosphere was comparatively easy once you got used to it , far easier than poor Jazz 's problem of trying to stay aboard when Spot , cantering quite easily towards the jump , put his anchors out at the last minute and stopped dead .
25 A new scar ran from the line of his jaw down into the collar of his open tunic , and Jehan guessed that Artai had broken the law which forbade the ill-treatment of captives , and he frowned .
26 The alternative is for the wealthy individual to give up residence in Ireland and move his investments out of the country .
27 But surgeons at Frenchay Hospital , Bristol , were able to graft his corneas on to the eyes of another youngster who had been going blind .
28 That dying-duck look as he struggled to get his case down from the rack !
29 The lifeguard boat offered to tow his board out through the pounding break .
30 He wheeled his bike round to the back .
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