Example sentences of "his [noun] [vb base] he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It was easy to convince him of his worthlessness-to make him believe he was capable of such an act .
2 From a pocket in the case , he removes a copy of a painting of Jesus , which he holds up for me to see , widening his eyes like he used to when challenging an opponent or the press .
3 And obviously the novelist 's apocalypse is by no means identical with his received Christian one ; hence , in part , the divergence of his art from the things his notebooks show him wanting to say .
4 His notebooks show him hesitating between reminiscence ( ‘ It was exactly eight years ago ’ ) and testimony during trial ( ‘ I am on trial and will tell everything ’ ) .
5 His parents want him to continue his navy career which was the cause of so much celebration a year ago .
6 His parents believe he immersed himself in his studies as a form of compensation for not having many friends .
7 When at last his parents find him sitting among the teachers in the Temple , they ask him what he is doing .
8 Some of his feats make him sound like the Bionic Man .
9 Mr Li is not an economist , but at least he recognises some of the imperfections of the policy his economists tell him to follow .
10 When doing his night work he takes his dog , Kessler .
11 He styled himself ‘ gentleman ’ and his publications show him to have been something of a virtuoso , interested in the state of agriculture , industry , and the national economy .
12 Time and again he is savaged for speaking on subjects about which his critics claim he knows nothing .
13 He had been pushed into this bloody situation by the need to attract public sympathy , and yet had been stupid enough to let the manifest idiocy of his questioners drive him to make a most unsympathetic exhibition of himself .
14 Lakatos failed to offer the rationalist account of science that many of his remarks indicate he intended to give .
15 Harry is supposed to be coming home to take up his inheritance of the family estate , but the emotional pressures of his family force him to escape instead to become a medical missionary .
16 It is only when all the options have been considered , all the ideas have been exchanged and the husband still considers his plan to be more appropriate that both he and his partner understand he has the responsibility to follow that plan prayerfully .
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