Example sentences of "his [noun] must be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 His views must be paramount , if not always agreed with .
2 His Mum must be mad .
3 It is part of such a character to reason syllogistically and to do so his passions must be silent .
4 The first trend is the movement within the philosophy of religion away from the Cartesian view that if God existed some proof of His existence must be capable of being set out , in the way that Descartes himself attempted to set it out .
5 His courage must be undoubted , his word and pledge absolutely inviolate , his sincerity transparent .
6 Glenn Hoddle is the Manager of the Month ; that 's official and on the evidence of this top of the table battle with Newcastle his team must be serious contenders for promotion to the premier league .
7 ‘ I am a big admirer of Arsenal and Wright in particular — his pace is phenomenal and his confidence must be sky-high .
8 The sight of him like that gladdened my heart because I knew his news must be good .
9 For if his theory is to succeed in overcoming the evasions which mar Althusser 's work , his critics must be satisfied on all these three heads .
10 Stabbing victim says his attacker must be crazy .
11 The observer is sure that his memory must be wrong .
12 And England manager Graham Taylor admitted : ‘ Any player worth his salt must be interested in playing for his country against the likes of Germany and Brazil , especially in the United States where the next World Cup will be played . ’
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