Example sentences of "his [noun] [be] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And his sister was in Texas and the brother was in Philadelphia .
2 Orbis Ali , an Afar , announced that his resignation was in protest against the civil war , which had now continued for one year , and against the deteriorating economic situation .
3 Based in the South-west , Richard Tarr , a shop assistant , runs a motorcycle rapid response unit for the UFO group Quest International and says that more and more of his calls are about crop formations .
4 Andrew is really a seaman — his heart 's at sea , not in a shipping office .
5 He is a way of Eddie explaining clearly to the reader what his views are on Rodolpho 's sexuality for instance without the subtleness of when he is conversing with another character .
6 His fingers were like fire as they scorched across her skin , and suddenly , as a charge of electricity shot through her , Lisa felt riveted to the spot .
7 He turned her hand over , palm uppermost , and she could n't help noticing how strong and tanned his fingers were in contrast to her own .
8 Indeed , it is not so much that the invading spirit is definitively exorcized from its human host , as that the host learns to live with her familiar who may make his presence felt whenever his mistress is in difficulties .
9 ZANA reported him as saying on arrival in Lusaka that his fight was with Mr Heath only , and that he wanted the people of Zambia to ‘ leave the British people here alone ’ .
10 Loss of his money is like evisceration .
11 His text was from Acts 17 v 30 : ‘ — now God commandeth all men everywhere to repent ’ .
12 Paul knew that his plans were in God 's hands , and that certainty comes across very clearly in the way that he sets out his desire to go forward for Jesus .
13 Do n't ignore the fact that although Michael misspelled 14 words , he spelled 75 correctly , and that his story is worth reading .
14 His story is about Captain Boldheart .
15 According to Mr Abbell , his case is of interest only because of the nature of his clients .
16 In fact , Lewis was in no position to reproach his friend on that score , because he would drink far too heavily himself , which in his case was against doctor 's orders .
17 His reactions were like lightning , I 'll give him that , but there was a table or something in the way , thank Christ .
18 A TEENAGE cyclist is fighting for his life in hospital after his bike was in collision with a car in Leicester .
19 With that in mind , can the Prime Minister tell the House what his response is to President Yeltsin 's call for Britain , France , and China to participate in the process of international negotiations for reduction in strategic nuclear weapons ?
20 crucial he 's jum how comes his jumper 's on fire ? , wagging it or something ?
21 He had given up his lodgings , and all his possessions were in store at Jack 's house .
22 However , he was told that the best use of his talents was with children 's work .
23 The heartiness of the latter part of his sentence was in response to a sudden visible stiffening on Hope 's part .
24 Beaumanoir may indeed have visited England shortly before 1270 , and the settings of his romances are in Scotland and England .
25 He closed the door and leaned out through the open window as he started the engine , but his look was for Marc .
26 Wherever he went in the house , he carried reams of calculations and sometimes would get up in the middle of a meal because he suspected that his calculator was at fault .
27 If he wept because he saw another world beyond sensible things , that , after all , is called ‘ Water of the Eyes ’ , then he has seen a thing which is a congener and perfecter of prayer , that is the object of prayer and his prayer is in order and even more perfect .
28 Secondly , he had published doctrine at variance with the Athanasian Creed and the Homilies of the Church of England and his teaching was at variance with that of the Archbishop of Canterbury and other bishops .
29 His hair is in braids , with a striking example of the raised Crow-style fringe characteristic of Joseph 's band of the Nez Perce .
30 His hair was like streaks of dirt on his head .
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