Example sentences of "his [noun] [conj] [vb past] he " in BNC.

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1 It was n't the uncertain nature of his livelihood that worried him , nor the police visits , although he had twice been invited to accompany the officers to the station .
2 Another member of staff recognised the defendant from his schooldays and told him to give himself up .
3 A GLASGOW bus driver said yesterday that he might have been blinded during an attack by a drunken passenger who had broken into his cabin and assaulted him as he drove through the city centre one Saturday evening .
4 Every evening since Boxing Night she had come to his basement-room and allowed him to make love to her .
5 When Mr Major ran for party leader , the terrier-like figure of Mrs Shephard joined his campaign team early on , rounded up his support and delivered him a victory which he was swift to reward with the post of Minister of State in the Treasury .
6 She made him take tap classes to loosen his ankles and gave him daily exercises to do under her assistant 's instruction .
7 Roger was a keen walker , cyclist and backpacker before a sleepy driver knocked him off his bike and confined him to a wheelchair for the rest of his life .
8 Moreover , Corbett realised that if de Craon knew he was asking questions it was only a matter of time before the Council of Guardians intervened and either put a stop to his activities or expelled him from the country .
9 Did you ask him if he 'd te , told his mum or did he just volunteer it ?
10 He looked at the Substitute who stuck the cigar between his teeth and handed him the sheet of paper saying :
11 Unbelievably , he sacked his son-in-law and replaced him in the manager 's seat with Trevor Proby .
12 One such affront , to the Archduke of Austria , later cost him his freedom and caused him to suffer a long imprisonment from which he was only freed at huge expense — much of which was raised by his neglected kingdom of England .
13 He smiled a little , and with the ice broken they discussed dogs until he looked at his watch and said he would have to go .
14 He checked his watch and knew he had three hours to wait .
15 She threaded her hands through his hair and kissed him back , and suddenly all the pent-up emotion of the past few weeks rushed up to engulf her .
16 Culley yanked the man 's head back by his hair and cuffed him lightly across the throat .
17 And as he struggled to swim , the woman 's little bone hook caught in his hair and pulled him up .
18 They lifted him from his chariot and placed him successively in three vats of water to quench his ardour .
19 The other man was rescued after an officer held out his truncheon and pulled him ashore .
20 She levered herself away from him with a hand on his chest and looked him dead in the eye .
21 The gun left Rex 's ear , nuzzled into his chest and pushed him back into the studio .
22 It was the taste of death in his mouth that preoccupied him .
23 He had feared he might choke when she stuffed chunks of it into his mouth and held him down , her hand sealing his lips , until he swallowed .
24 He stopped above a man who was painting the superstructure of his boat and asked him how far it was to the sea .
25 He maintained his innocence and claimed he had been willing to give his life for Castro but had never been a communist .
26 She had n't taken his horse and left him when he 'd fallen into a stupor last night .
27 She wound her arms about his knees and dragged him laboriously across the gravel into the safe , thick grass ; his right cheek suffered , but he was hardly going to hold that against her if he survived .
28 He also realised that this was a situation far beyond his metier and summoned the duty staff officer , who arrived resplendent in full ceremonials , pantaloons , highly polished knee-length riding boots , and regulation yellow walking stick , and visited Shaw in his billet and confronted him in a corner , where he held court .
29 And in the afternoon of the fourth day his guards suddenly trooped into his cell and ordered him up and out with them .
30 She put her arm round his shoulders and hustled him out and upstairs before he recovered himself .
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