Example sentences of "his [noun] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He says he can remember he was burnt in the fire and that his sister died in the fire .
2 She could still hear the faint murmurs of Tom Russell and his sister talking on the veranda , and it distracted her from the real purpose of this time alone , which was not to go on reliving that moment when his hand had covered her own , but to obediently follow his suggestion of giving herself time to fully think this through .
3 Campbell was little concerned with the lives of ordinary seamen ; nor did he reflect the alarm which many of his contemporaries felt about the sea and the behaviour of those who sailed on it .
4 Our first Secretary of State for National Heritage had spent his Easter hols at the Lucerne festival , where the London Symphony Orchestra ( last year 's Arts Council grants : over £1 million ) proved its world-class rank with a ‘ peerless ’ Mahler One .
5 His enthusiasm led to the formation of a club at his school , Stokesley Primary , and this encouraged other youngsters to learn the game .
6 One evening Rosslyn 's horse came up from the paddock as usual for his dinner , but instead of practically knocking her over like he normally did in his enthusiasm to get at the food , he stopped quietly at her side and put his head in her hands , saying non-verbally : ‘ I hurt ! ’
7 He will stay on in a consultancy role for a few months until his successor settles into the job .
8 There will be a liaison judge in the Crown Court who will see it as part of his function to liaise with the lay magistrate and to meet them and to discuss erm such matters as erm sentencing principles with them .
9 Alex gives us some extra variety , he is a genuine spinner of the ball and he is keen to get his career moving forward after finding his progress blocked by the presence of Phil Tufnell at Middlesex .
10 My attention had been so far away and the dog had timed his jump to a split second so that his bark came at the highest point , his teeth only inches from my face .
11 He was well pleased with the fruits that his Technique bore at the school .
12 In addition to its constitutional implications , the dispute also raised the possibility that charges against Noriega would have to be dismissed because the taping of his calls went beyond the routine monitoring applied to other federal inmates and , therefore , represented a violation of his rights .
13 The Prince acknowledged their greetings as he and his favourite sat in the two great throne-like chairs at the high table .
14 Paul felt his heart sink at the sight of them .
15 The greater part dealt with the Greek colonies but his heart lay with the Scyths and their affinities , a topic which he addressed in his 1942 British Academy lecture , The Art of the Northern Nomads ( 1944 ) .
16 The thundering of his heart merged with the beat of her own blood , deafening her to everything around them .
17 The look in his eye , when it met Gabriel 's , frightened the boy more than ever — made his heart cower in the back of its cage .
18 Charley Hoskins had been trained as a blacksmith but , like so many Saltash boys , had his heart set on the sea and it was when he had joined the Royal Navy that he met Ben Bellaser .
19 His coming displayed no jot of his inner feelings , though his heart sank at the array of knee breeches and crinolines , and at last it occurred to him that the lunatics he had met upstairs were in Dickensian dress .
20 He flicked his own eyes towards the rear seat , and his heart leapt as the black man 's eyes narrowed slightly then glanced at the figure in the back .
21 He was not an intellectual ; he made constant use of anecdotal evidence and some of his views bordered on the banal , but one of his great strengths has always been his resolute attachment to a few simple conservative themes .
22 His increasing literary output must also have been making him and his views known to the public .
23 With Osbern of Eu and a group of his own leaders and their following , Thorfinn had visited the Lothians and made his views known to the offending bands with frightening precision .
24 With term approaching fast , it was quite likely that Andrew was coming to London on department business , and had seen his opportunity to call in the debt .
25 Colonel Bumford took his opportunity to win on the last throw .
26 Waking in his room at the week-ends , Sandra was there beside him , her head against his shoulder , the sun-bleached hair half-covering her ears ; the warm curve of her body shuddered a little when he stroked it , his fingers traced round the freckles on her shoulder , islands on an ocean of tanned skin .
27 Then , as if the cotton of her nightdress was a hindrance to him , she felt his fingers busy at the ribbon ties at the shoulders .
28 Ludens , steadying Marcus 's head with one hand , his fingers plunged into the short hair , and slowly and firmly moving the very sharp instrument , felt like an acolyte performing a dangerous task , perhaps intended as a test .
29 I sat in front of him watching as he ate , my eyes following his hand from the moment his fingers plunged into the bowl until it rose into the air , and carried the food into his mouth .
30 She could feel his fingers moving over the slenderness of her neck like gentle questions , gauging her reaction , lingering against the racing pulse , assessing her feelings .
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