Example sentences of "we who [vb base] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Only we who have worked in the theatre can understand the ache . ’
2 We who do battle with the weekly deadline . ’
3 It is a terrible irony that although they are invisible to the planners all of us who 've travelled in developing countries can not fail to have noticed these children out of school .
4 Those of us who hope to return to Westminster after the election will find a change of tone and a shift of emphasis .
5 White people who live in an area like Neasden , Dalston , wherever , should really be talking about how much Black culture influences them , instead of it being always us who have to talk about the influences of white culture on us .
6 The moralists — as it seems to many of us who have worried over this question — either shirk the answer or botch it .
7 It is almost unbelievable for those of us who have lived with and admired the divine right of the great cricket county for so long .
8 In these circumstances those of us who have benefited from the excellence of Somerville and Oxford must surely do what we can to ensure that future generations may also have the opportunity to benefit from the privileged education that we enjoyed .
9 He says of Mr Kinnock 's call : ‘ I think it is a huge tribute to those of us who have spoken for the Conservative Party on industrial matters , and have had some personal experience in creating a small business and building it up to some size .
10 All of us who have worked with young people know that , in relation to pop music and sport , the impact of the event and the personality goes way beyond what one would expect .
11 Those of us who have worked within the education system , in social priority areas , since the Sixties , can assure Janet Daley that these children have not been abandoned to a type of educational apartheid .
12 Those of us who have looked at the development of treatments for decaying stone during the past twenty years have had to learn the lesson that there are no ‘ magic ’ solutions .
13 It is ironic that those of us who want to live in an environment-friendly style , and are really ‘ on your side ’ , should have to fight an increasing plethora of restrictions and regulations designed , it seems , to discourage us from using rail at all .
14 It is ironic that those of us who want to live in an environment-friendly style , and are really ‘ on your side ’ , should have to fight an increasing plethora of restrictions and regulations designed , it seems , to discourage us from using rail at all .
15 Aside from these sorts of problems , I believe all of us who presume to speak on behalf of the other animals should worry , not a little but a lot , about the possibility of the Goliath of contemporary environmental concerns co-opting the David of animal protection .
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