Example sentences of "we can [verb] with [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Although the experiences of strange creatures in a strange setting may be highly imaginative , they become dramatic only when we can identify with them emotionally .
2 There is , to put it crudely , a firm intuition that the self we can identify with our immediate consciousness is a unity , in that we would not count as being that self any part or module of ourselves which was put forward as a candidate for being a conscious entity .
3 Lone inventors are by no means all nutters , but we can sympathise with anyone who has to deal with them all the time .
4 We can start with my ricotta and a flask of good Chianti .
5 Belinda if we can start with you more or less erm I heard the other day that you 're half thinking that you might like to be a nurse ?
6 Some folk might say that although ‘ red ’ is a subjective , mental experience , there is an objective reality which we can measure with our scientific instrumentation .
7 ‘ We are looking very solid , and showing that if we are put under pressure we can cope with it . ’
8 And er we can get by on lots of things and when an emergency does come , sometimes we can cope with it if it 's not too big a one , but other times it can catch up with us , simply because we are only sort of half awake so the purpose of the talk today is to try and help us all to see various ways in which we can stay awake in the truth physic er , er spiritually speaking .
9 You have seen some of the things we can do with our power .
10 We got our heads right round it , whereas before , like , half the time we was n't even bothered what was recorded or how it was done , it was always bang , get a groove , put it down and see what we can do with it later . ’
11 I mean it 's empty at the moment if anybody 's got any suggestions or thoughts about what we can do with it it 's certainly er we I I would like to hear those .
12 we can do with it then .
13 A collaboration from the depths of hell looks on the cards , we can report with our fingers stuffed prematurely in our ears , as VIC REEVES and BOB MORTIMER have been spotted in cahoots with THE BEAUTIFUL SOUTH all over London recently .
14 With the reservation , following Bolton , ‘ that a small firm could not be adequately defined in terms of employment or assets , turnover or any other arbitrary single quantity , nor would the same definition be appropriate through the economy ’ , we can adopt with him an upper limit of 200 employees for small manufacturing firms ; and note that , in 1963 , when he adopted that limit , the average number of people employed in such a firm was 25 .
15 I will argue that nationalism is the vocabulary that legitimises the function of the modern nation state , and the sooner we can dispense with it , the better for all of us .
16 On a theory of understanding which linked what we can understand with what we could come to recognise as true , the distinction collapses and all the relevant sceptical arguments will be of the strongest type ; that is , will claim that we do not even understand the propositions we claim to know .
17 We often look forward to Fridays as a day that we can spend with our constituents .
18 We can agree with him therefore that the Pioneers were wrong in their view that the abolition of workers ' rights , expressed as a bonus to labour , was a misdirection of the Movement — but wrong only because there was then no other direction for it to take .
19 We can coexist with your present hardware and software environments .
20 Taking some of the questions that were raised I think we can deal with them quite easily .
21 We can deal with her .
22 Now you 've kept the fire from the hayfield I think we can deal with it . ’
23 But if we there again if we see somebody that 's being mugged , and we think that we can assist , or we can deal with it , then we will , you have to take every situation as it comes .
24 We can deal with mass unemployment on this scale only if we have a Government who are determined to do so , and we can deal with it better if , internationally , Governments are determined to do so .
25 Some are virtuous , i.e. we can live with them and do not have to find some way to stop them .
26 We can live with them being gorgeous , as long as they do n't get too full of themselves .
27 And if we ca n't be sure of preventing our children from trying things , then we 'd better be sure how we can live with their experimentation , and how we can help them limit the damage .
28 We can live with it but can they ? ’
29 But we can until we get a house , we can we can live with you ca n't we ?
30 There too there is no straightforward unchallengeable meaning , but let's see how far we can get with one immediately obvious sense of screen — that it is a something , noticeable in itself , behind which other things happen .
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