Example sentences of "we would have [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If we had no rights of participation in the subsequent investigation , we would have no reliable means of obtaining the information .
2 Er , the honourable gentleman wondered whether we would ever have a truncated view again , certainly not under the ninety three legislation because that was a once off as a careful reading of the act will show , er but er we will erm and his honourable friend , the member for Perry Barns hoped er that er we would have no more reviews of European boundaries , I know because he was talking at P R but we will certainly have one new review of er er Euro constituency boundaries because as soon as the parliamentary boundaries are completed er we will have to go into a new review on that basis of all the European seats and of course the full enquiries will be held in the normal way for them .
3 ‘ Comfortably ensconced in front of the TV set , with a handy line to the bookmaker , we would have a pleasant afternoon with champagne , smoked sandwiches and the like . ’
4 If we really believed it was risky we would have a financial interest against timber-frame being built .
5 In " real " conditions where friction , for example , can affect the rate of fall , we would have a parallel situation to that of the social scientist .
6 The pubs did n't shut until eleven o'clock so we would have a good three hours ' fun .
7 and trying to one was one would assume , that to a certain extent , if you 've got a problem with air conditioning that we would we would have a higher , a higher incidence of erm of those sort of complaints .
8 But instead of a dubious and uneconomic increase in agricultural output , we would have a general uplift both for the permanent resident and the passer-by .
9 ‘ I 'm half inclined to pursue her tomorrow ; perhaps if we had her we would have a few more answers to all this .
10 But we used to l I think I can remember going three times and we went on the train and we would have a big label with branch number seven , we were Walsall Wood and we were always told that , you know , you look on the sea front if you get lost , cos you 've got your name and who you belong to on card was all given out .
11 In our own Ulster Nation we would have a free hand in bringing to justice and finally ridding the country of these butchers .
12 When the nuclei of light elements join together or ‘ fuse ’ , energy is released ; what is more , the amount is more than the energy needed to push these nuclei into one another overcoming the electrical repulsion , so if we could accomplish this efficiently we would have a plentiful and dean supply of energy .
13 ‘ We do n't want to trouble this family for any longer , but if we did not follow up every ‘ not known at this address ’ , we would have a short poll tax register . ’
14 Perhaps if the rest of the writing had had the same approach we would have a worthy materials reference book .
15 Er well we would we would record them and and that would be it you know but we would have a fair idea when we 'd be recording the album like that you know there 's always be a place in a Foster and Allen programme for a Beautiful Dreamer so if you get a sound that 's pretty close to that there 'll always be a place for a an up tempo sound that that Mick would do so you have to sort of pick ones with a good story line and a good melody and again that you can work a good video round you know .
16 I thought we would have a special party , just the two of us . ’
17 Now question is whether or not there is a simple ability to realise a capital receipt and use it I think , and if that were true , if what you 're saying is true and there was some net gain to be made very easily then I think we would have a hard time , perhaps , refusing what you 're saying .
18 ‘ But for the hurricane we would have a third quarter profit of almost £22m and a return to profits in the nine months , ’ says Robertson .
19 India in their home country are very tough and I always thought we would have a difficult task here .
20 Then perhaps we would have the lowest crime rate in the world — instead of Saudi Arabia .
21 The point of contact with the fable of disembodied consciousness is that thinking has become Raskolnikov 's work , it has almost become Raskolnikov , and if he did and were nothing but this work we would have the first part of Notes from Underground repeated .
22 Letters were then drawn up to be enrolled at the Court of Chancery so we would have the necessary licence to trade .
23 As a PLC we would have the greater freedom and flexibility vitally needed to match the increasing pace of change and to provide new or different services — and we can not afford to be too slow or too late .
24 He used to call here sometimes in spring and we would have the utmost difficulty in keeping his seraglio out of the house .
25 Formally , we would have the same force if we assumed ( as many textbooks do ) that a magnetic field moving with a velocity in gives rise to a force
26 Graham says : ‘ We were assured that we would have the top 20 referees in the country taking charge of our games .
27 So we would have an additional two hundred pounds .
28 It 's agreed that we should be looking at improving the standard in D risk areas etc etc etc etc but we should have a higher level of cover , not putting anybody into a suffering situation , quite the reverse that we would have an improved level of of cover within the County and the Chief Officer he 's said this time and time again .
29 If these problems can be solved , we would have an enhanced understanding of the constraints that guide evolutionary processes , the role of intrinsic and extrinsic factors in diversification , and a new appreciation of metazoan diversity : in short , the rules of the game .
30 To get the tyres out of the oven two of us would have a long rod each .
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