Example sentences of "she back into the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Hurriedly , with her head down , she made her way to the nearest entrance that would take her back into the factory .
2 Her mummy , drawn by the noise , ran out of the tent , and seeing what had happened put her arms round her to comfort her and took her back into the tent .
3 ‘ Come along , Emily , dear , ’ Aunt Sophie was at her side , catching her arm , leading her back into the centre of the room where the vicar stood over the coffin , ready to pay his last respects to Thomas Grenfell .
4 She became so tame it was impossible to release her back into the wild .
5 ‘ Narcissist , ’ I said , wanting to get her back into the subject ; but she dropped it .
6 He led her back into the lounge and steered her to her chair .
7 She tried to push past him , to get to the door , but he caught hold of her arm , spun her round and bundled her back into the lounge .
8 I mean if it , if it I mean originally he said to me it was part time so I thought to myself well that 'll be perfect , just get her back into the flow again .
9 With one firm hand on her arm he solicitously helped her back into the chair .
10 Rain touched her shoulder , pressed her back into the chair for fear of a repetition of the scenes in the kitchen .
11 Holding her notes like a fan , she walked slowly out into the open , but the heavy heat from the leaden sky soon drove her back into the shade .
12 He led her back into the bedroom and sat her on the chair while he rummaged in the chest .
13 He tried to draw her back into the circle of his arms .
14 Seeing the mist that deepened the dark grey of her eyes , the pale translucent cheeks , both so beautiful now in their glowing copper setting , it was all Benedict could do not to snatch her back into the heat of his embrace , and force his way to that intimate deep caress , the thought of which now fired him with passionate yearning .
15 She pulled the cold embroidered spaces of satin kimono closer to her and pressed her back into the wire of the fender before she drew the basket , full of wounded dog , nearer to herself and to the heat — the little bitch trembled amongst all her luxuries .
16 One of the cats came to meet her in the wood and accompanied her back into the house .
17 I wonder , is he trying to get her back into the house and she does n't wan na come back .
18 He cuffed the woman on the head , attempting to drag her back into the doorway .
19 Then someone pulled her back into the plane and the door closed .
20 ‘ That 's him , then , all gone , ’ Gloria said , before a nurse came scurrying out through the doors , took her by the arm and led her back into the ward .
21 ‘ Come on , ’ he turned her neatly and propelled her back into the living room .
22 The man , aged about 25 , slim and of Asian appearance , forced her back into the car and ordered her to drive off .
23 Wilson pushed her back into the room , the mutton skidding from the plate as she did so , and locked it behind her , then dragged a chest in front .
24 He pushed her back into the room and , seizing the case , opened it and upended it over the bed .
25 Michele caught her and , carrying her back into the living-room , put her down on the long couch .
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