Example sentences of "she could [not/n't] quite [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 There was a momentary reaction at the back of his eyes , though she could not quite manage to interpret it .
2 He was watching her closely , and she could not quite make out the expression in his eyes .
3 Thought of Miles and Miranda together at rehearsal came into her mind , and that made her feel , she could not quite analyse how they made her feel .
4 She , too , could be elusive , though she could not quite disguise the smile in her eyes as she said it .
5 But , in spite of the genuine excitement that possessed her , she could not quite banish from her mind a picture of that greetings card , signed ‘ From your dearest Nina ’ , that stood propped in one corner of Vass 's desk .
6 She spun round , but she could not quite see him .
7 The crows attacked and her movements were strangely slow and disorientated as if she could not quite see them , or make her wings and talons move as she intended .
8 Besides , when she , Cati , thought that she would have to go again to find Tommaso and arrange a further tryst , she was swept by apprehensions she could not quite name .
9 Now though she had met a young man and felt strange feelings which she could not quite understand .
10 She was still whispering to the gibbon to soothe it , but her innocent face was puzzled , as though she could not quite grasp everything that had happened .
11 It was absurd , but still she could not quite suppress the sisterly instinct to help him .
12 But what they were she could not quite put her finger on .
13 Her throat tightened on the word , as if even now she could n't quite admit it ; and she wondered how many other times she 'd made herself not hear .
14 Lucy was treating Jay like a delightful new acquaintance she could n't quite place or fit into her life .
15 She could n't quite locate the nature of that terror , she did n't know exactly what evil it was that would occur , but she felt it tangibly .
16 She went through phases when she felt intensely guilty , as if there were something that she could n't quite locate that she had done to provoke her mother 's wrath .
17 The weather was foul and despite all attempts by the owner to make the property look nice and homely she could n't quite hide the rainwater dripping through ceilings , black mould on walls with associated smells , or its generally poor condition .
18 She could n't quite bring herself to say the word aloud , but Luke had none of her reservations .
19 She longed to say it to his face , but somehow she could n't quite bring herself to do so , especially as they had just agreed to try to bring about a better working relationship .
20 But she could n't quite manage it : she remained a nice girl , just this side of safety .
21 Erm , they have n't had them in Suffolk , we 've had one or two try to join and one did reasonably well , but right at the end of , of the , of one of the tests , the strength tests , she failed , she could n't quite manage it erm
22 Now she was here , she could n't quite think what to say .
23 Victorine 's tale of … she could n't quite remember what .
24 There was a look in his eyes that she could n't quite remember seeing before , and she found it distinctly disturbing .
25 She could n't quite remember when it was that she 'd realized Georg took it for granted they 'd get married as soon as she was old enough .
26 Something she could n't quite articulate , an intuitive hostility to both the arguments and the conclusions they had just heard .
27 She felt close to him , although she could n't quite see his features or his choice of clothes .
28 The image was still nebulous , she could n't quite see it , though the cottage helped .
29 She could n't quite suppress a gasp of pain as those long , powerful fingers wrapped around her swollen wrist .
30 She tried to move away , disturbed by the realisation that her feelings towards him had undergone a subtle change even though she could n't quite define it .
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