Example sentences of "she could [vb infin] [indef pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Come in , ’ she invited , for she could do nothing else .
2 The way she saw it , she could do nothing else , but inwardly she was boiling with fury .
3 That , she knew full well , she could do nothing about , although she disapproved of the whole set-up .
4 In a minute she would say she wanted to talk about Oliver and they would go somewhere quiet , where she could explain everything slowly , from the beginning .
5 I work in Chipping Norton at the Presbytery and erm it just amazed me that she could tell someone not to smoke .
6 At her worst — which is to say , when her performances , all crust and no bread , seemed little more than a rash of mannerisms — she could strike one as impossibly tic-ridden and implausible .
7 She could sort anything out when she was better .
8 Mrs Beattie , on the other hand was a free spirit by comparison but even she was conditioned by her class and her religion — she could give nothing away for nothing .
9 Gabriel irritated him by the way she could get something nearly right but not quite .
10 Yanto had told her to give the small salmon to Sid , providing he coughed up the twenty quid , but Mary decided she could get something out of it herself , especially after that uncomfortable bicycle ride .
11 She looked up at him and before she could say anything else he had kissed her .
12 His eyes looked so unhappy that she could hardly bear it , but before she could say anything more he had plunged on : ‘ It must have been obvious and I 'm sorry for that too .
13 But before she could say anything further Ross — who had remained silent so far — took a quick step forward and gathered her into his arms .
14 She could see nothing out of the window to show there had been a fire .
15 She could see one now , hurrying through the herb garden to the little hut where they worked .
16 The trouble was , she could prove nothing yet and certainly did n't want her Service approaching Magill direct , for confirmation .
17 Travis asked before she could reveal anything else about her Dorset connections .
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