Example sentences of "she could [vb infin] [adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She could guess roughly what he was promising but let him keep his secret .
2 In the dark she could ignore how he repelled her in the light .
3 By her contracts or her torts she could bind only her separate property .
4 She could n't swim , so that left her with only two options : she could stay where she was and wait for whoever was lurking there to reach out of the darkness — but with her nature that was unthinkable — or she could run the gauntlet .
5 There was no rain in the darkness , and she could make even its sound go away by concentrating hard for a few moments .
6 My friend had wanted specifically to talk to a specialist , so she could make up her own mind about surgery .
7 She could make up her own mind about him without any help from hard-faced blondes , thank you .
8 She could make out nothing in the darkness at the beginning except a jumble of bric-a-brac and the outline of a colossal eagle crucified on one wall .
9 Through the haze of half-closed eyes she could make out his face hovering darkly over her .
10 Summer in the country , was the toast echoing in Diane 's ears as she went back inside ; and she shuddered , and wondered if she could think up something really cutting to say the first time one of them tried to treat her like a servant .
11 She said that she could start whenever they needed her ; tomorrow , if they wanted .
12 But she could sense when he was getting her ready for a match and stood like a statue , even dropping her head for him to clip her mane .
13 She could sense how his body moved towards her subtly ; how , with the utmost casualness , he strove at each moment to include her in all that was said .
14 Before she could puzzle over his rather cryptic last sentence he continued , ‘ I do n't know whether you noticed , but the doge was wearing it in the second of his portraits . ’
15 She then had to visualize walking slowly towards them , knowing that she could stop whenever she wanted to so that she did not feel that she was being compelled to go near these birds .
16 That way she could speed up her thinking .
17 She could turn neither her head , nor her neck to look at us .
18 She sat next to him so that she could cut up his food and discreetly help his wavering hand shove it into his mouth .
19 After the New Year , she could no more give him up now than she could cut off her own hands .
20 Perhaps she could ask when she got home .
21 She told Anne that she could understand how she felt as John had been born when his father was in France during the First World War .
22 Before she could get up he was skiing towards her , sliding to an expert halt at her side .
23 A prostitute caught Graham 's eye but he shook his head before she could get off her bar stool .
24 She stood up , her eyes burning , and began walking steadily towards the water , but before she could get there she felt his hand in her hair and he pulled her to face him .
25 Funnily enough , she could remember when she first heard that name .
26 It might have continued like this indefinitely if I had n't picked up a copy of the Kensington News , a paper Daphne took so she could find out what was showing at the local picture house .
27 With the movement of a finger she could find out who was in there .
28 She could find only her chequebook and the small , leather-bound directory Jasper had given her for Christmas and into which , to gratify the child , she had painstakingly copied the addresses and phone numbers of friends accumulated throughout a lifetime .
29 He had been instrumental in getting Volkov released so she could take up her appointment in Geneva .
30 A little fat nun had once cried in the heat of Egypt 's afternoon , in the accents of County Cork , that she wished she could take off her flesh and sit by the well in her bones .
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