Example sentences of "she could [adv] do [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She knew that she could not do it alone .
2 As the girls changed for the dance , giggling , excited , she had moments when she thought that she could not do it , that she would prefer to go in her skirt and jersey .
3 She tried very hard to climb up the table leg , but she could not do it .
4 She could not do it .
5 She tried to skim again , but her tears fell so that she could not do it .
6 of the way to her goal ; but , as a Minister on the right of the Conservative party under political pressures , she could not do it .
7 Maybe she felt that if she could n't do it now , she would never do it ; maybe that was why her face hardened as she watched them , still apart , and imagined them , together .
8 Well cos she d she could n't do it .
9 She could n't even eat with people she did n't like , and as for sleeping with anyone — unless she was wildly in love or pissed out of her mind she could n't do it .
10 She could n't do it .
11 But she could n't do it , could n't turn away from him now when she so desperately needed the reassuring warmth and strength of his embrace .
12 A tiny part of her wanted to confront him with what he 'd done ; yet she knew she could n't do it , could n't bear looking into his sea-blue eyes , or at the lips which had kissed her so tenderly the night before , only to laugh with Marianne today as he shared with her the secrets Shannon had confided so trustingly — so blindly !
13 She felt she could n't do it again and she was n't about to crawl back to tell Ned Clarke so and have him volunteer Glyn for the job .
14 It would be like amputating part of herself , and she knew suddenly , and quite clearly , that she could n't do it .
15 She could n't do it .
16 Supposing she could n't do it ?
17 But she could n't do it . ’
18 The simplest answer was to tell the truth , but , as Lori had known , she could n't do it .
19 Unless , like Chris Patten , she needed you for what she could n't do herself ( write a decent speech ) , any wet , however bright , was kippered on the back benches .
20 It seemed as if she could n't do anything right and everyone grumbled at her .
21 And she could n't do anything about Castelfonte , she could n't even get them to attempt making it profitable — she never understood about the land , that was n't in her blood .
22 She could n't do anything about it .
23 It was hard to believe that this was actually happening ; harder still to accept that she could n't do anything about it .
24 ‘ What ? ’ she gasped , so shocked at what he was saying that for a moment she could n't do anything other than stare at him with her mouth open .
25 Appalled at her own illogical fear , she could n't do anything to suppress it .
26 Very well , dictated that part of her that was against gloom and pushed her again towards the positive , since it was decided that she could n't do anything that day about the one major problem — her car — how about tackling her other major problem — that interview ?
27 But , since she could n't do anything about the car situation until that wretched part had been delivered , should n't she concentrate her worries on what she could do something about ?
28 No , Zoe agreed , she could n't do anything about that .
29 and then he charged it and er she if , she know , she could n't do anything but pay him
30 She said she could n't even get out of bed , she could n't do anything .
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