Example sentences of "she had never be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Until she was thirteen she had never been outside the Grange garden alone .
2 She had never been on a train before and the speed , which must have been twenty miles an hour , made her as excited as a child .
3 This was challenged by one of the defendants who maintained that she had never been on stage in a state of total nudity , as the police present maintained .
4 The boat too affected her profoundly ; she had never been on a boat before , except for a rowing boat in the park , and she stood up on the top deck in the bitter grey April wind , and watched the foam and the emptiness and the receding bar of Folkestone , and she thought that she had never seen anything so wonderful in her life .
5 She told the interpreter that ‘ although she had never been to school she liked the life she lived . ’
6 She had never been to Suffolk , but had chosen it because she had found out that property there was cheapest and the rates lowest , of all the counties within reach of London .
7 She had never been to Ireland and said that she had never read anything about that country , and yet she was able to supply an abundance of detail about the way of life in that place at an earlier time .
8 She had never been to Hereford before , had never even met the people they were going to visit and — being just four years old and as yet unable to read — could never have learnt about the district from a book .
9 She had never been to the house on the bay at that end of the afternoon , and found Therese abstracted and busy .
10 She had never been to a jazz club before .
11 Wellington 's riposte was that she had never been to South Africa , while he had and was therefore in a position to judge properly .
12 She had never been to Spain before but she had imagined it .
13 She had never been to this exalted place before and it seemed to be a place of dreams .
14 At the funeral ( she had never been to a funeral before ) it had come to her quite suddenly that something was ending in herself , that she was being challenged to take hold of her life , to make decisions , and she had quarrelled with Terry because of it .
15 She had never been to lunch or any other meal alone with Willi since that day , but she was wholeheartedly indebted to him for his kindness , his common sense , his consciousness of the world outside one 's own personal situation .
16 Sylvia , the elder married one , was well-built and healthy , but that was the best that could be said for her ; Mrs Wexford had a magnificent figure and a fine profile although she had never been of the stuff that wins beauty contests .
17 She was twenty-five and she had never been in the tube .
18 And she had never been in the London Underground .
19 It was possible she had never been in a tunnel before , except perhaps in a car going quickly through some underpass .
20 On admission Julie was experiencing lower abdominal pain , feeling nauseated , and worried about the prospect of an operation as she had never been in hospital before and was not often ill .
21 She meant his earnings , not the yield of the toy-shop business , but she had never been in the habit of referring to them so distinctly , let alone to the fact that they were thin on the ground at the moment .
22 It was strange , too , Anne thought , that everyone got on with their normal lives , in spite of the constant raids and disturbed nights , and had become used to seeing servicemen in so many different uniforms thronging the streets and the cinemas , and in the public houses she was sure , although she had never been in one .
23 Needless to say , she had never been in a sports car before , and to be speeding and curving through the streets with the top open and the balmy August breeze combing silkily through her fine hair was sheer heaven .
24 She had never been in such a place before , and she saw at once that most of the men had girls with them who were certainly not their wives , or the kind of girl one took home to mother .
25 She had never been in a cuttings library before .
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