Example sentences of "she had not [vb pp] that " in BNC.

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1 Headlined ‘ This Sick Idea ’ , the leader recorded the fact that Mr Clay was unaware of what Mrs Thatcher was trying to do and asked whether she had not realised that ‘ by seeking to reward the only general secretary who treated her with kid gloves , she would end up by blackening his name ’ .
2 She had not realised that some of the horses had been ‘ jazzed up ’ and made a bit more fearful or anxious , so that the horse had extended its top lip through tension .
3 She had not realised that they were so young .
4 She said she had not heard that British scientists wanted to return him to Arctic waters , but warned that going back to cold temperatures , coupled with the need to hunt for food again , would be fatal .
5 Would he have listened to her then , if she had not flung that furious retort at him before they were confronted by Ralf ?
6 She had not realized that everyone in the world does not celebrate an Irish Halloween .
7 She had not meant that , Ashley thought frantically , at least not in the way his husky intonation was making it sound , not how the look in his dark eyes seemed to imply .
8 It amazed her that she had not thought that the minute she had met him , or maybe she had but had simply denied it to herself .
9 She had not known that Scathach had known , not been aware that he had seen .
10 In any case she had not expected that her role in the assessment would be limited to receiving information back from an EWO : ‘ We did n't ask for it [ the assessment ] — it was the education system who said it should be done — if I accept them into my home I do n't expect them to disappear for twelve months , if they invited themselves in . ’
11 Yes , but Omi had n't , Erika thought , she had not forgotten that handsome officer who had courted her all those inconceivable years ago .
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