Example sentences of "she had make a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She had made a change in her life , broken away from her mother .
2 In the process she had made a lightning circumnavigation of the British Isles and was now steaming hard down the west coast while we returned by the eastern route .
3 Private Eye is appealing against the record £600,000 damages paid to Mrs Sutcliffe after a seven-day trial last May , in which she alleged the magazine had libelled her by claiming in its ‘ Street of Shame ’ column that she had made a £250,000 deal with the Daily Mail for her story after a night of ‘ carousing ’ with the paper 's journalists in a hotel .
4 She had made a fool of him and he would n't let that go .
5 That was when she had made a fool of herself .
6 And , although she was rapidly coming to the conclusion that she had made a fool of herself all down the line , she still did n't quite know how .
7 She had made a fool of herself .
8 Between them she had made a decision based only on panic and no common sense .
9 Down on the steps , Marie had decided that she had made a mistake .
10 She was beginning to feel that she had made a mistake , and allowed herself to be exploited .
11 Ah , Elisa said , yes , of course , she had made a mistake .
12 I was terrifically embarrassed , but Karen did not once so much as glance in my direction , and after a while I began to suspect that she had made a mistake too .
13 She had never seen her in the morning and she knew instinctively that she had made a mistake in arriving without warning .
14 A girl lunged over the grid , screaming that she had made a mistake , fingers just missing the disappearing chips .
15 She dropped the dear , she had made a mistake there , he was not the sort you called dear .
16 She had made a mistake and would make many more before she was finished .
17 She squeezed her eyes shut and lowered her head , hiding behind her curtain of auburn curls , battling with the tears , battling with the fact that it mattered because she had made a mistake again .
18 You know sometimes the way forward is backward , there are no short cuts with god , if he 's leading along a certain path and were disobedient , there 's no way we can opt out of it and join the trail further along , he does n't allow it , its back to where we left it , that 's were we 've got ta get back to , we ca n't skip an experience , we ca n't miss any thing out , we 've got to go back to where we start , where we were when we left the trail and Naomi has to do just that to go back to Bethlehem , that 's the way forward for her , and you see because we all , we always find this if we are really children of god , then we can never ever be satisfied away from the will of god , there 's nothing else that meets our need , its god will or nothing , you know , when we know frustration in our lives , when we know sort of the , these annoyances and , and , and , and er sense of frustration there , its not because god is leaving us that way its invariably cos we have actually gone out of gods will because he 's will is not frustrated , its satisfying , can I just , it will only really be headings this morning , just leave us with three brief headings in this little incident that we 'll read or we , we wo n't read the whole passage but its , er in the remainder of the , or more or less the whole of the remainder of the first chapter tha that the cost was involved and then the choices that were made and then the commitment , the cost that was involved Naomi had to pay something , you see before she could return to Naomi she had to con , before Naomi sorry could return er to , to Bethlehem , she had to acknowledge she 'd done wrong , she had failed , she had sinned , she had to acknowledge she had made a mistake now in fairness to Naomi she did it and she excepted her responsibility , she did n't try and shift the blame on
19 She knew she had made a mistake in not showing more surprise to the police .
20 But Albert was so sure that she had made a Will
21 They 'd have a record if she had made a Will .
22 Pushing Charlotte home in the dusk , she felt rather exhilarated , as if she had made a discovery .
23 She had made a promise to Maisie , and somehow , whatever it cost , she would try with all her might to keep that promise .
24 Just the same , she had made a promise and would do what she could to keep it .
25 From their discarded belongings she had made a museum that recorded forty years of family history .
26 And she had made a choice ; she had chosen not to go home , she had chosen to live here and cope with sharks between the furniture and Bryony 's contempt , in order to purchase a freedom … to choose what she would do next .
27 She was restless , still feeling she had made a bit of a fool of herself .
28 They vowed to sort that out when they next met , and Christina felt she had made a friend and ally in Pauline Bascombe .
29 She never said to whom that fresh statement was made , but it was apparent to the jury that she was saying that she had made a statement contrary to that incriminating one , and she was suggesting that the second statement set out her case as she was putting it in the witness box .
30 She had made a pass at me , of course , but I had left her and her dead eyes in her big , empty house .
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