Example sentences of "she had [adv] [vb pp] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 That afternoon , hearing him talk about his sister , then lying beneath the trees with him , she had really thought she had finally broken through to a real live human being beneath the glacial exterior .
2 She had finally hit back !
3 They had wanted each other from that first night , and now , in this dimly lit room , with Nicolo 's mouth on hers , with his hands on her breasts , she had finally run out of lies and excuses , not just for him but for herself .
4 He was wearing a navy sweater and a light-coloured shirt and blue jeans , and her heart lurched because time shrank to the moment when she had finally walked away from him , one autumn morning , early , with their love already an awful deadweight in her memory .
5 She had finally walked out on him and it had only been the intervention of Philpott that had brought them back together again .
6 After years of living out of suitcases in hotel rooms and tour coaches , finding the shabby old farmhouse deep in the country had seemed like heaven — the second she 'd spotted it , she 'd felt as though she had finally found home .
7 She made it in four , her hair still wet from the shower , wearing jeans and a T-shirt beneath the white coat she had hastily thrown on .
8 Paige glanced up from the rock she had wearily sunk on to .
9 SHe had eventually given in to a desire to seek Tammuz out , even though SHe already recognised the signs which meant he wanted to be left alone .
10 When she had eventually plucked up her courage and looked out of the window , she had been entranced by the views from the carriage and the speed of travel .
11 She said that she had nearly given up the idea , but ‘ every time she met a cripple her conscience smote her ’ .
12 She tutted aloud as she remembered she had nearly quailed altogether and quit him when he caressed her so directly and bit her ; but he was masterful , and had knowledge , and her love burst into ever greater intensity at the thought of that expertise .
13 She had nearly melted away on the spot .
14 At first she had even felt vaguely flattered that he should feel jealous , as if , in some way , it was a kind of measure of the way he cared .
15 She had met no one she had even come close to loving .
16 Sometimes he suspected that she had even known how diminished was his remaining store of faith , that it was this essential lack and not his general inadequacy which was at the core of her disdain .
17 Spending far too many nights staring wide-eyed into the dark , growing hungry for rest , and irritable , so that this morning she had even spoken sharply to Odette .
18 Jo had the camera , which she had temporarily put aside : her knowledge of the theories of representation , refined on a highly analytical degree course , had blocked her .
19 He could be wild and crazy at times and she had n't faced up to the fact that the way he lived his life was doing him no good , no good at all .
20 I wish she had n't sounded quite so bored , nor in so much of a hurry .
21 She had n't waited long enough for her mother 's reply .
22 The wife of one prominent member of the British community in Seoul said : ‘ We would have hoped she 'd have picked something she had n't worn just a week ago . ’
23 Pat said that until she heard that , she had n't realized just how anti-women her brother was .
24 She had n't realized quite how much Frances detested her .
25 She had n't realized how short a time it was until their departure .
26 She had n't realized how much she had missed Donna .
27 There was a switch she had n't noticed before .
28 There was a slight hoarseness in his voice which she had n't noticed before .
29 She had n't filled in a card for Anna , but somehow it was too much trouble .
30 ‘ Hello ? ’ she enquired , and would n't have been at all surprised , the way her head was , had it been Reception ringing to say that she had n't filled in her reservation form correctly .
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