Example sentences of "she will [be] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She feels she is on the verge of some interesting illumination here , but has to abandon it in order to search for Brian , to ask him to fasten the back of her dress : if she does not leave soon , she will be late for her early arrival , and moreover she has promised to meet Esther Breuer at eight thirty precisely on the corner of Harley Street and Weymouth Street .
2 I hope she will be grateful for this opportunity to improve her character .
3 She will be involved in fundraising and increasing understanding of a growing problem .
4 thing for next year , but I mean she will be one of those caught by the thing saying we 're not going to do it anyway .
5 If the measure gets the go-ahead in a free Parliamentary vote , Judith hopes she will be one of around seventy women Deacons from Oxford to be ordained in a series of six ceremonies .
6 She will be one of 518 delegates from 12 EC member countries .
7 ‘ Perhaps she will be happier with this new man . ’
8 She will be glad of visits from any Somervillians passing through France , with telephone warning .
9 She will be responsible for overseeing strategic and operational plans .
10 Previously with the York-based Borodin group she will be responsible for promotions and administration , reporting to the centre manager Albie Small .
11 Any Associate is recruited with the prospect that he or she will be eligible for partnership after a few years : business development abilities , superior counselling skills in the field and a deep commitment to the firm and its progress are qualities which will rapidly become determinant .
12 WHEN THE Princess Royal opens the new 6,200 capacity Richard Donald football stand at Aberdeen 's Pittodrie stadium in August and passes through the new turnstile , she will be safe in the knowledge that Wood Group Fire Protection 's alarms division has played its part in providing a state-of-the-art fire detection system .
13 Or of the mother who promotes cross-cousin marriage so that a new member of her own lineage can be brought into her adopted one , so that she will be less of an outsider in the latter .
14 Indeed , Landry is mistaken even when she claims that the poems are silent on the question of lower class marriage : in ‘ The Month of August ’ , for example , Phillis , a country girl , believes that she will be happy in marriage to a man of her own class , and Leapor does not undermine that suggestion .
15 He or she will be sensitive to the negotiated status of those truth claims ; and will be aware that the truth claims are claims , subject to dispute by the disciplinary community in its continuing conversations .
16 She will be alone in her bed , and she will not be awake . ’
17 Should she be allowed in she will be lucky around the house , and serve the family well .
18 The carton I took from the supermarket said ‘ POISON ’ in big letters , and ‘ Not to be taken internally ’ , so she will be dead by now .
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