Example sentences of "she would not [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I knew a family of five devoted daughters — all married — who took it in turns , when their father died , to stay with their widowed mother night and day , on a rota basis , for the years until she died , because they knew that she would not want to leave her own home .
2 The conversation is about how to respond to an invitation to " step outside " at a party : the gist of B's turn is that if someone were to ask her to go outside for " fresh air " at a party , she would not want to go outside for fresh air , and would not go .
3 She would not want to see you again . ’
4 Presumably he believed that though his wife might join in a little family intrigue against him , she would not want to carry her opposition to the point of war — particularly if that were to involve her in an alliance with her ex-husband .
5 No , she would not want to change that … only to have it go on , with Tyler wanting her as much as she wanted him .
6 He went behind the pot house along the path he usually took with her , knowing , in a way which twisted him savagely , that she would not bother to keep their secret places private .
7 And because it is just one in a hundred , that one is going to be different in one way or another , or he or she would not bother to buy .
8 She would not care to live to such an age .
9 She had been about to collude with Stan in the face of all her good resolutions , and there would have been yet another indelible stain on her spirit which , she suspected , were it available to her , she would not care to put unwashed in her underwear drawer .
10 In future , she would not go looking for love , or trying to manufacture it out of other lesser emotions , but she still believed it would find her one day .
11 And she would not go walking with him again and she would not be alone with him if she could help it and she would freeze him with a look when he tried to talk to her .
12 She would not stop loving him , just because she was in New York and he was here .
13 He called her again and again , but she would not stop barking at something he could not see .
14 She needed continual reassurance , and although she had been told by God himself that all her sins were forgiven and that she would not need to go to purgatory , she confessed and had herself absolved four , five or six times a day .
15 She told herself that if she did not look up she would not need to see it and after a while this not-looking would become habitual , but in the event she could not prevent her eyes from turning up to the campanile .
16 She would not need to see her until tonight .
17 Corr says she would not have reordered the books if they continued to include the word nigger .
18 Corr says she would not have reordered the books if they continued to include the word nigger .
19 He 'd called their previous alliance interesting , but she would not have called it that .
20 Such an exceptional manager , she would not have seen the arrival of her son , Christopher , five years ago , as an interruption to her career .
21 She would not have moved to save her life .
22 It was a joke really , because if she was one of the male officers then she would not have given it a second thought .
23 If he had turned from her and rushed from the room , banging the door after him , she would not have felt half as afraid as when he backed slowly from her , his arm bent and his forefinger wagging at her .
24 Such was her exhaustion that she would not have cared if her traitorous purpose was emblazoned across her face for him to see .
25 ‘ She could not say nay ; and she must needs do his bidding ; and yet she would not have done it for all this world .
26 She would not have done it if it was to last for more than four days .
27 She would not have done it , but was disappointed that Urquhart did not make the gesture .
28 There was nothing he could have asked of her that she would not have done for him .
29 She hoped the clock would break down so that she would not have to see the bird again ; she did not like it .
30 The tigress had seen me , or she would not have crossed the pool and hurried for shelter , as her tracks showed she had done .
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