Example sentences of "she and [verb] she [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But Claire Fraser was out there and he had undertaken to find her and persuade her to come home .
2 It is tuition for her and helps her to get over a lot of barriers about performing live in front of demanding and sometimes difficult audiences .
3 During the 23-minute chat he called her by her pet name ‘ Squidgy ’ , told her he loved her and asked her to blow kisses down the phone to him .
4 A black boy with extensions on his hair walked over to her and asked her to dance .
5 Or if she had come to his place and told Gina to bugger off , obeying his instructions , he might have rewarded her and let her move in with him permanently .
6 If she 's crying for some other reason like because we 've been quarrelling and she wants to make up but does n't know how to I just put my arms round her and cuddle her and let her cry it out .
7 She was afraid , afraid of making a fool of herself , afraid that past bitterness would sweep over her and make her behave badly .
8 Typical Roger , she murmured to herself , trying to throw the blame on to her and make her feel guilty .
9 M ! father took the bag from her and told her to get back upstairs to my mother .
10 She said that she begged Mr Pollard not to drive , he pushed her and told her to get lost .
11 The key statement of Brenda 's turn is the one at line 15 – 16 , Mp:112> which gives her explanation of why she agreed to dance with a man whose initial approach had shocked her and led her to respond coolly .
12 The faculty denied having discriminated against her and said she had been treated in the same way as all others seeking membership of the bar .
13 ‘ She phoned me after you interviewed her and said she guessed you 'd found out about the affair — to warn me .
14 Why do n't you just all ignore her and hope she goes away ?
15 A former colleague from Usher saw her and thought she looked very thin .
16 It was that which struck an answering chord within her and made her stop .
17 Then the scuffles subside and I think I hear my bedroom door opening , so my finger tightens on the trigger and I hear my name and I shake my head and I recognize the voice and I know it is Jancey and she 's shouting where am I and I think they 've grabbed her and made her act the decoy and I 'm trying to work out what to do when I hear what she 's saying .
18 His ‘ Leith , you do n't … ’ could n't have been very important either , otherwise , knowing him , he 'd have charged after her and made her listen .
19 Meeting him aroused something inside her and made her realise how empty her life really was .
20 It was n't only Simon she pushed over the edge : in that defiant , violent act she was taking revenge on all those people who had ever hurt her and made her feel worthless .
21 He respected her and made her feel beautiful .
22 The absurd image touched her and made her feel somehow protected and safe : this kind , bumbling man would never despise her .
23 Guido 's totally unexpected reference to Arnie , and the way he 'd cocked his head at her and smiled as he 'd said it , had thrown her and made her feel totally vulnerable .
24 She took the folder he handed her and made her escape .
25 She hated the dresses her mother made her wear , sombre unattractive things in rough heavy wool or dull summer cotton ; and she had asked Leo to go shopping with her and help her choose .
26 With a violent gesture , Katherine pulled her dress over her head , not bothering about the hideous bra her mother had bought her and forced her to wear to bind her small , pointed breasts .
27 Charles calmed her and forced her to drink a little wine .
28 It was a full two minutes before he pushed firmly into her and felt her envelop him , felt her bury her face in his shoulder , heard her gasp , a little pain , unused to him being there , then the gush of warmth , love and pleasure .
29 When she did n't answer he sighed roughly , increasing his pace so that he could walk in front of her and force her to stop .
30 He threatened to shoot one victim , raped her — and moments later told her he was going to start loving her and wanted her to meet him again .
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