Example sentences of "she and [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Uncontrollable sobs broke from her and echoed on the night .
2 An arm was slipped under her shoulders , lifting her ; then something was wrapped round her and fastened at the throat .
3 Exulting in her escape , she closed the outer door behind her and made for the great outdoors like a child let out of school .
4 I wish I could have said that she was sweetly understanding , but she looked at me as if I were an incubus that had raped her and scraped along the brickwork , desperate to get past .
5 Maggie let go of her and called up the stairs .
6 Sapped of all energy , Belinda fell listlessly through the door , let it drift shut behind her and slumped on the bed , utterly confused about what had just happened .
7 Ace , holstering her gun , brushed past her and loped towards the doorway .
8 Her jaw dropped as the woman walked past her and stopped by the car .
9 If he had turned from her and rushed from the room , banging the door after him , she would not have felt half as afraid as when he backed slowly from her , his arm bent and his forefinger wagging at her .
10 ‘ Sure , ’ I kiss her and run into the house , for by now the air has turned crisp and cold .
11 I was relieved to see her and encouraged by the confidence she gave me .
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