Example sentences of "she and [vb past] [that] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 On 2 July 1987 her husband had stopped the car in front of her and insisted that she should sign , but she refused .
2 The five-star novelist gave me an unfathomable glimmer when I closed the car door for her and remarked that she 'd had a long chat with Harry that afternoon on the telephone .
3 Tamar laughed with her and realised that she felt less depressed about the forthcoming confinement after this little spell of humour .
4 Ellen 's voice was suddenly a harsh scream , so harsh that we both looked towards her and saw that she was threatening both of us with one of Wavebreaker 's heavy-duty fire extinguishers that she had snatched from its rack at the head of the main companionway .
5 She saw him look down at her and saw that his skin was raw and flayed in places ; the arm of flesh and blood was scraped and scorched and the silver arm on the other side was reflecting the tremendous heat , so that it was copper coloured and glinting and must be causing him immense pain .
6 We 've often spoken about her and said that something has got to happen .
7 Emboldened by this , he had gone straight up to her and said that he had heard she had called him and wanted him .
8 I agreed with her and thought that her comments were eminently sensible .
9 She opened her eyes to the darkness , a darkness too often populated before sleep by those familiar , reproachful , childish faces , brown , black and white , bending over her , asking why she had deserted them when they loved her and thought that she had loved them .
10 She had no wish to upset her husband , but she knew how much Stephen 's mother hated her and felt that her mother-in-law was trying to usurp her place in the baby 's affections .
11 We thanked her and explained that we were going upriver .
12 She saw an empty sandwich packet on the wooden bench beside her and remembered that she had decided to eat lunch in St James ' Park .
13 She knew that Carla was coming home with her and decided that she would take the little girl into her bed with her .
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