Example sentences of "she have only [vb pp] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This was a problem that merited expert advice , and , although she 'd only met the personnel director once before , she 'd liked him .
2 Since the war had begun , she 'd only seen the enemy on newsreels .
3 She 'd only mentioned the agency 's name once the previous evening , but he 'd recalled it .
4 Maybe she had been too outspoken , but she had only stated the truth .
5 He introduced a sense of subtlety and freedom into her drawings where previously she had only mimicked the technique applied to etching or engraving .
6 And to her horror she could see that in her haste to come and speak to him she had only buttoned the bottom two buttons , and the way she was sitting , crouching forward slightly , one smooth , firm breast was entirely exposed .
7 She had only read the word before , in cold and aseptic print , never heard it spoken except in heat by rough farmworkers who did not realise she was walking by .
8 She had only caught the meaning of the outraged Italian aria in snatches .
9 ‘ Not to worry , she 's only got a short sentence , she 'll be out soon ’ : that 's what people were saying .
10 She 's only got the stuff she 's wearing . ’
11 I suppose she got , no she 's only got the one home , her little baby ai n't she the , well he is n't a baby now .
12 She works in the bookshop from time to time cos she 's only got the two has n't she , Robin and Stephan .
13 And the science paper she 's only got the the kind of practice one , it 's a very basic one .
14 Er , she 's only got the one of her own Judith has , erm but she 's quite busy there with other people 's
15 She thought : Gran is n't really ill , she 's only had a bad night .
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