Example sentences of "she have been in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She is Dutch , in her late twenties , and she has been in North Africa for one-and-a-half years .
2 She has been in Rampton Hospital .
3 She has been in Rampton Hospital .
4 But until changes in the registration of women 's occupation were introduced in 1986 there was a major difference between men and women : ‘ At the registration of the death of a child … the instructions to the registrars specify that the occupation … of a woman should not be recorded unless she has been in employment for most of her adult life . ’
5 We must ensure that hospitals have well thought out discharge plans for every individual , whether he or she has been in hospital for five years or just five days , and that follow-up and after-care services are available for a lifetime if necessary .
6 Since 1988 she has been in charge of organising the BDA 's centenary celebrations a task , which she has combined with bringing up her hearing daughter Nicola .
7 Unfortunately has been unable to edit this issue as she has been in Charing Cross Hospital for treatment after her mole pregnancy earlier this year .
8 ‘ If she 'd been in love with Henry she 'd have agreed to be his mistress — not made him wait seven years for a divorce before she let him take her to bed .
9 She had been clinging when she 'd been in Ven 's arms , she had to admit that , but then — she loved him .
10 She 'd been in Egypt 's capital Cairo and , along with seven other tourists , was travelling in a bus from to Assiut , a stronghold of the muslim fundamentalist group .
11 She 'd been in touch with Tim Dunton , of course .
12 Her own business needed her attention , but she 'd been in touch with her manager , and everything was under control .
13 She 'd been in front , but then the horse fell and seemed to land on top of her .
14 If they 'd caught her , they 'd have stuck her in Imbrium or somewhere , some institution She 'd been in places like that before That was like death to her There must have been a lot of them caught like that , at the end ,
15 Strange , she had been in Denmark for so short a time yet in those few days she had learned so much , not only about herself but about a country she had never even considered visiting before Suzie 's escapade .
16 One night as she lay in bed with her husband , she heard ‘ a sound of melody so sweet and delectable , that she thought she had been in paradise ’ .
17 For a while she had been in paradise ; now it was over .
18 She felt that she had changed entirely since it was written , and chiefly during the three days since she had been in London .
19 And she had been in London for less than a month .
20 So she ran through those utterly devastating transformations when she had been In Love , desperately seeking patterns , pointers — digging for something to bring back her joy , her I will survive .
21 She had been in love with Alexander .
22 She had projecting teeth and told everyone who would listen that she had been in love with Yorick since she was twelve .
23 Of course she had been in love , for years and years , and perhaps , she sometimes wondered , that experience had spoiled her .
24 A picture of her as she had been in life came up on the screen .
25 The answer to why she had felt neither violent revulsion nor nausea when she had been in Naylor Massingham 's arms evaded Leith .
26 Business had been good in the few weeks she had been in charge , but she was astute enough to realise that many of the customers had been coming to the club simply to see her .
27 It was only because his repeated invitations had made her think that maybe the young man did need the support of someone familiar that she had agreed to come to Lisbon — and because , after a hardworking summer , she had been in need of a break .
28 None of this mess was of her making , yet she was just as much a prisoner as if she had been in gaol like Clive .
29 There had obviously been something wrong with the Cashman ménage for some time — why else would Cindy Hill have lied about her whereabouts , telling her husband she had been in Wales when she had really been in a London nightclub ?
30 They had evidently been sent by Judith : she had been in control of the treasure they brought with them , and , interestingly , of Charles 's regalia .
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