Example sentences of "she have come [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She has come into the Chamber in the past five minutes .
2 The eyes of his beloved wife , are tear-reddened ( sic ) and she has come to the awful realisation of a gap in her waning life which will never be filled .
3 She has come from the cool north . ’
4 And she had to come in the car while I
5 Yes , your worships I wonder if I may assist the court o on behalf of er M Mrs erm Mrs er has told me that she thought at the time of the incident again was in fact , nearer to five o'clock than than , than four thirty and she was driving from Billington towards Clitheroe she had come through the traffic lights at the bottom of Accrington Road in Worley and she was proceeding along King Street in Worley er , towards towards Clitheroe and sh she has told me that at the time there was a considerable amount of traffic on the road and yo i in fact had that confirmed to you by er , my friend er the the traffic was sufficiently heavy that in fact , the the traffic travelling in the direction of Blackburn er was wai was backed up to the traffic lights as far as the zebra crossing and beyond it and so as Mrs erm was travelling towards Clitheroe her view of the children on the footpath at the opposite side of the road was obstructed by the cars that were er , travelling towards Blackburn .
6 That was the message Molly had received when she had come down the stairs and left her husband at the dinner table .
7 Neither Matthew nor the girl was aware that she had come into the room , and as Beth 's eyes went from the unique expression of wonder on the boy 's handsome face , to the girl 's slender form … the small budding breasts , and the young limbs that were already shaping into those of a young woman … a strange sense of revulsion shivered through her .
8 He remembered every single one of the stolen meetings ; how he had gone to her bedchamber by night , how she had come into the warm drowsy afternoons to find him , when everyone was busy about something and no one knew where anyone was and she would not be missed .
9 It was obvious that she had come into the laboratory after the blow had been struck , and had in fact seen very little .
10 When she had stopped the car and climbed out , she wondered for a moment whether she had come on the wrong day or at the wrong time , though she was sure she had not .
11 To our relief , she missed out on all the formalities except for a perfunctory cry of ‘ GamBei ’ ( ‘ Down the hatch ’ ) and ‘ Greetings to our British friends ’ , and concentrated on tucking into the excellent meal — she gave the impression that she had come for the food and drink and nothing else .
12 Over the past few weeks she had come to the conclusion that the person she would most like to share her home was quiet , devoted Jenny .
13 She had come to the Centre in the depths of despair , weeping , gnashing her teeth and venting her hatred upon the doctors who had told her , at the eleventh hour that she had cancer and nothing could be done .
14 She had come to the beginning of the shelters now , which meant that she was drawing near the pier .
15 He knew all about unhappiness : she had come to the right place .
16 She had come to the conclusion that if giving up Brentwoods and moving to the country was what Brian wanted , then perhaps she ought to go along with it , stop being selfish .
17 She had come to the refreshment hut , a crowded , sticky bee-hive .
18 It was a summer afternoon — she could barely have been more than eight years old — and she had come to the Lodge with her brother and their cousin , Laetitia , who was visiting the Hall with her parents .
19 It was as if she had come to the wrong place , as if the magic that shrivelled Cinderella 's full satins to limp rag had breathed over this place , enchantment vanished in the wood , only the old dank trees still and always there .
20 Merrill paused for a moment , wondering if she had come to the wrong address .
21 But had it not been to rid herself of her aura of wealth and privilege which had created her feeling that she was the darling of the gods — although the same gods knew how brutally they had treated her — that she had come to the East End to work , and to live as though she really needed to , and to survive on the pittance which she had earned , without bolting back again to luxury and comfort ?
22 He had been there since lunchtime , and it had been while she 'd watched him that she had come to the decision that she must go .
23 ‘ Go to hell ! ’ she burst out hoarsely and started to fight in deadly earnest , slapping and scratching at him , little cries of panic coming from the back of her throat as her mind flashed back into full operation and she realised with sick fear just how close she had come to the edge .
24 Long before she had come to the end of her story Charlie was saying , ‘ You 're a wonder , Becky Salmon , a positive wonder . ’
25 As she had come round the corner of the house from putting her bicycle in the old stable block , Inspector Blakelock had been standing at the front door almost as if he were waiting for her .
26 She had come from the BBC .
27 She 's come through the operation very well .
28 Somehow Florian 's words must have summoned the memory of that first time they had worked together , long years ago , and that sensation of a shadow falling on her had come from the past .
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