Example sentences of "she have [adv] be to " in BNC.

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1 Compassionate and relentless as God ( in whom she does not believe ) , she sends her creatures forth and calls them home , having ( like Thomas Hardy ) a love for funerals , although she has never been to one .
2 ‘ In fact she has never been to my home .
3 She has never been to the Caribbean in her life , but most of her friends are black British : to their companionship she owes her aptitude for talking Creole .
4 When we 'd finished I asked if we could wash up and run the errands but she said she 'd already been to the shops with her brother .
5 She wore a large white straw hat and looked as if she 'd just been to church .
6 She 'd once been to the Easter Fete .
7 But er there there were there were some pe our , our , on the bench that we we had a really , cross section on the bench that I worked on , there were very , women , one woman she 'd never been to work in her life .
8 Still , it sounded like a fascinating challenge , and she 'd never been to Sheffield before , so it would give her an opportunity to see another little bit of the world .
9 She 'd never been to Adam 's , but she knew he was renting a small cottage just a few miles away from her own home .
10 I do n't know if she 's gone alone or with some , or with a friend , but er she said she wanted to , she 'd never been to California and she wanted to go before she was too old and crotchety to get there because David 's he 's in no fit state to go anywhere any more .
11 Perhaps she had already been to one .
12 Yet later that evening , when they had both returned home and he had enquired about her meeting with Alison and whether she had bought a pram , she had hesitated before admitting she had actually been to a cinema .
13 Not that she thought Matey , or Dr Neil , would come poking around her room , but she was changing rapidly from the trusting and innocent girl she had once been to someone more cautious — she , Sally-Anne , more cautious !
14 The only dances she had ever been to had been school dances , and she wanted to go to this one .
15 Sylvie had come the closest she had ever been to begging .
16 He asked her , smiling over the top of his glass , if she had ever been to bed with a man and when she said ‘ not exactly ’ he had burst out laughing and touched her cheek with one strong brown hand .
17 She told the interpreter that ‘ although she had never been to school she liked the life she lived . ’
18 She had never been to Suffolk , but had chosen it because she had found out that property there was cheapest and the rates lowest , of all the counties within reach of London .
19 She had never been to Ireland and said that she had never read anything about that country , and yet she was able to supply an abundance of detail about the way of life in that place at an earlier time .
20 She had never been to Hereford before , had never even met the people they were going to visit and — being just four years old and as yet unable to read — could never have learnt about the district from a book .
21 She had never been to the house on the bay at that end of the afternoon , and found Therese abstracted and busy .
22 She had never been to a jazz club before .
23 Wellington 's riposte was that she had never been to South Africa , while he had and was therefore in a position to judge properly .
24 She had never been to Spain before but she had imagined it .
25 She had never been to this exalted place before and it seemed to be a place of dreams .
26 At the funeral ( she had never been to a funeral before ) it had come to her quite suddenly that something was ending in herself , that she was being challenged to take hold of her life , to make decisions , and she had quarrelled with Terry because of it .
27 She had never been to lunch or any other meal alone with Willi since that day , but she was wholeheartedly indebted to him for his kindness , his common sense , his consciousness of the world outside one 's own personal situation .
28 And Scots comic Gregor Fisher — the man behind Rab C. Nesbitt — added : ‘ Lilly may think she 's never been to Scotland , but what about in a previous life ?
29 she 's only been to work once since Christmas , she went erm last Friday
30 I rarely go to her house and I do n't think she 's ever been to my flat , but our friendship is very much part of our working lives .
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