Example sentences of "she have [adv] [vb pp] in " in BNC.

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1 She has also appeared in television plays .
2 She has also appeared in several national magazines due to her prowess at sewing a fine seam .
3 She has also worked in Operations , Chief Accountant 's and Retail Systems .
4 She has also worked in East and West Java .
5 She has also sung in musicals , and had cameo roles in movies , including Smokey and the Bandit 2 with Burt Reynolds in 1981 .
6 She has also starred in advertisements for Harp and Lenor and been named in Tatler as one of the six most beautiful women in London .
7 ‘ The conference is waiting to discover what it is she intends to do , now that she has finally arrived in Brighton . ’
8 And the judge imposed a three years and four months jail sentence — the time she has already served in prison .
9 She has now called in an exorcist from Beverly Hills to get rid of her celebrity ghosts .
10 One must pay tribute to her dedication , and the gratitude of all connected with the Club , past , present and future is her due for the patient hours she has obviously spent in researching club records , the Henley Standard and personal reminiscences of many people who have been associated with the Club 's story .
11 Do n't miss Fay Weldon 's complex , clever story The Cloning Of Joanna May , which centres on a woman who discovers she has unwittingly participated in a genetic experiment .
12 We are a close family and she has always stayed in touch .
13 The Queen for her own part will have to face up to the fact that , however perfect her public role , she has dismally failed in private to give her children the guidance they needed for stable marriages .
14 All the same , now she was older she had to admit that what he 'd done was n't so very terrible ; she 'd just reacted in an over-sensitive manner .
15 She just made it to the bathroom in time , before she parted unceremoniously with the contents of her stomach , then hung weakly against the side of the washbasin , more wretched and humiliated than she 'd ever felt in her life .
16 ‘ But it is , ’ he insisted , as if this somehow ought to be the best news she 'd ever heard in her life .
17 All that mattered was that he was the most exciting man she 'd ever met in her life .
18 And it was n't happening the way she 'd imagined … abruptly , she realised that being kissed by Guy Sterne was nothing remotely like being kissed by any other man she 'd ever known in her life .
19 Ronni also understood now that hurt look she 'd sometimes seen in his eyes during his angry exchanges with Silvia .
20 Because she 'd never fallen in love , the head-over-heels , with-all-your-heart kind of love that made a woman 's world centre on one man for the rest of her life .
21 She was more bothered than ever , for Timothy 's eyes had a dreamy look which she 'd never seen in them before , and he 'd lingered over the girl 's name whenever he had used it .
22 Most of the food was of a kind that she 'd never seen in the shops ; there was no wine or beer , but Belov had a hip-flask of vodka .
23 She 'd never behaved in her life as she 'd just done , and she could n't understand or justify her reactions .
24 Though she 'd never worked in insurance , her potential employers thought her smiling manner and evident efficiency would equip her well for the task , particularly as she appeared a quick learner , and did well in the practical assignment they gave her during the period of the interview itself .
25 She 'd always believed in the strength of her parents ' marriage , the power of its mutual affection .
26 She hoped he noticed the Durex she had strategically placed in the top of one of her stockings .
27 She had even joined in the game herself .
28 She had even stood in the last election against her MP , Douglas Hurd , to highlight her son 's plight .
29 Even so , Dr Neil 's modest home was larger and better appointed than most around Vetch Street , and was vast compared with the one stifling room she had briefly occupied in Crow Court .
30 She had already fallen in love with him , her whole heart had been surrendered , but he could never know that because he would have such power over her that she would never be able to deny him her body .
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