Example sentences of "she have [be] [adj] of " in BNC.

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1 Damaris discovers that she has been guilty of intellectual sin in failing to believe , to realize imaginatively , the nature of the material she is studying .
2 The struggle to understand everything showed clearly on her face , and slowly , surely , she found a ray of hope in the mess , something to compensate for the painful discovery that she 'd been ignorant of her own roots .
3 To tell him the truth — that she 'd been afraid of the depth of her own feelings — would be far too revealing .
4 Yet Mrs Blakey continued to sense the unease she 'd been aware of on the telephone , which she 'd first of all sensed when she 'd looked out of the landing window and seen the boy with the children in the garden .
5 All evening she 'd been aware of him not only as the uncle of the delinquent who had abducted Suzie , but also on a separate level she had no wish to analyse .
6 All during the meal , she 'd been aware of his eyes on her across the table , the warmth in them as tangible as a caressing hand .
7 Nor could she have been aware of the matey tap with which the russet radical awoke the aforementioned scribe in the morning , a cup of tea grasped in his proletarian fist .
8 She had been unaware of every detail of performances , and one or two offensive productions had crept in .
9 For a long time she had been unaware of anything lacking , but recently she had started feeling somehow … adrift .
10 Once she had been proud of being rootless , but now she was beginning to feel like a boat without a rudder .
11 She had been proud of her Nottingham lace curtains , her wooden beds … .
12 Mr Browning wrote to thank her for her diligence and in doing so confirmed what she had been certain of , that Miss Henrietta had died .
13 That once she had been capable of responding ?
14 Benny could see her mother sitting there stretching her hand out full of what she had been full of for months now : the huge advantages of being able to come home every night by bus .
15 She had n't moved or made a sound , just opened her eyes in the red-tinged darkness and seen him there without surprise as if she had been aware of his presence ever since he arrived .
16 She had been aware of poverty in the Third World .
17 But , city dweller as she had always been , she had been aware of every sound — the gentle lapping noises of the canal against the side of the boat , the small night sounds of birds and other creatures , and it had been some time before weary body and brain relaxed .
18 And then , quite suddenly , over Ryan 's shoulder , she had been aware of a tall dark figure watching her .
19 He had kept out of her way while she 'd been interviewing but she had been aware of where he was all the time .
20 For a few yards now she had been aware of a car cruising behind her .
21 He told me that , many years before , she had been jealous of her husband and another woman , and had been accused of murdering this woman .
22 Dinah flushed ; since the newspaper insertion she had been wary of making known her name .
23 On the other hand , the man she had been wary of seeing , who had a bad reputation , who in her right mind she should never have got involved with , had turned out to be a good man underneath .
24 In those days , too , she had been afraid of Gareth Davis , but her fear had been tinged with an awareness of his overt masculinity .
25 They had had a farewell drink together , two women who had worked well together without ever abandoning their professional personae , Maria because she had been afraid of inadvertently giving away something that might alert Cavell 's suspicions where Luke was concerned .
26 Perhaps also she had been afraid of meeting Matthew .
27 This was exactly what she had been afraid of — flibbertigibbet though she was in most things , Candy could be positively terrier-like if she got her teeth into a mystery , refusing to let go until she 'd solved everything to her satisfaction .
28 But she had been fond of Moira , and guessed how much anguish the rift in the family must have caused her .
29 She had been fond of Arnie .
30 Because she had been fond of Simon in a sisterly way — as a much older sister — she had always taken it for granted that the affection he had shown her in return had been brotherly , with maybe a spot of heroine worship thrown in .
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