Example sentences of "she have [adv] [vb pp] so " in BNC.

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1 She has not said so . ’
2 She has n't said so , but I should think it 's that . "
3 With less children , a woman can feel at peace , she does n't get old so quickly as she has n't got so much work .
4 She has n't spent so much time up there since she 's been three .
5 you know she has n't worked so she thinks that , you know , save her having to get up early in the morning , go and do the fire
6 Angie was running the hamburger stall — I do n't think she has ever cooked so many hamburgers in her life .
7 Feeling stunned as that truth hit her , she almost gasped out loud that the whole evening had gone by , a whole evening , and she 'd barely asked so much as one of the questions Cara had primed her with !
8 She 'd never ridden so big a horse as Sultan .
9 She 'd never seen so much silverware , and all laid out for one person .
10 She 'd never felt so lost ; there was nothing to hold on to in a world so alien .
11 She 'd never felt so weak , so helpless .
12 Driving away into the city streets , she 'd never felt so alone or so friendless in her entire life .
13 She 'd always seemed so self-contained , so self-sufficient .
14 One of the boys said later there had only been a tin of cat food and a bus pass and an old purse with a pound and a key in it anyway , and that they would n't have had to hit her if she had n't clung so hard to her handbag .
15 She might have laughed if she had n't felt so sick .
16 As the man at reception gave her the key to her room with a knowing look , Kelly reflected that she had n't felt so guilty since her teenage party days .
17 She had n't felt so pleased by anything in a long time .
18 When she looked at him closely , Jill felt sorry for him and rather wished she had n't spoken so pointedly .
19 Strange as it seems , I believe that she had not done so for many years .
20 But she had not done so .
21 Miss Collier told Judge Bray in Bloomsbury county court that her maid often ordered flowers on the telephone on her instructions , but that she had not done so on this occasion .
22 If she had not done so , her work might never have been discovered by American readers .
23 It is consistent with Lord Alverstone C.J. 's remarks at p. 395 , cited above , that if she had not done so , i.e. , if the transaction had not been properly explained to her , the security would not have been enforceable .
24 This young girl enjoyed mixing with others her own age , as she had not done so before now .
25 Half an hour later , she had not done so .
26 AT1 said that she did not notice any difference in this regard but was nevertheless glad of the opportunity which the review had afforded to meet the Head personally , as she had not done so since her interview on appointment some years previously .
27 Miss Warburton , who lives in London , said she had not done so , adding : ‘ I did not go out with him at all on my own .
28 After all , before he had proposed , she had not seen so very much of Havvie , and she had been so flattered that it had not struck her how banal his conversation was , and how limited .
29 She had not sunk so low as to join the ranks of that sisterhood !
30 She had not spoken so elaborately for some time , and Betty knew the warning signs ; so , whereas with anyone else she would have appealed to their better nature , in this case she held her tongue .
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