Example sentences of "she say i [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 sort of almost erotic flicker really , when she says I 'll go and get a candle and he says , do n't go yet .
2 Cos she says er she fetched the blanket cos it were cold in there she says I 'll cover you up
3 I says she says I 'll do sandwiches you 'll go up and get ready cos we 're sat there telling tale
4 And I goes well we 're smokeless and and she goes I 'm not bothered she says I 'll do you a swap .
5 Yes because er they 'd found these stray dogs and she says I 'll look after her and then she sang a song t to my dog .
6 erm , so I could n't carry the wallpaper so the lass says well you ca n't carry it , she says I 'll phone you a taxi , I says okay , so she phoned this , she says any , any particular one , I says I 'll have that one beside us like so phoned association , they 'll be erm , you , you know call up and they came and er pick me up and brought us back with the paper , he charged one pound twenty and I 'm saying to myself one pound twenty , that 's a damn disgrace , by hell I 'll not get that taxi again
7 She says yeah she says I 'll pop in for a quick cuppa .
8 and she says I 'll keep it till the week after
9 and it takes these batteries and everything and she says I 'll pick them up eleven cock , o'clock on Friday
10 She says I would like to go up to Manchester soon and I 'm hoping my car is on the road because the trains to Manchester are pretty costly compared to the price of the petrol in my car .
11 And as for being six pound up , she says I must have short-changed someone .
12 and then she said I 'll go to the toilet she says I can go by myself she says !
13 Then a woman in the street — the Via Monserato , between the Tiber and the Farnese Square , they talked about it so much , Mena and my grandmother , when I was little , I think they talked about it every day : Il Quartiere Papale , it does have a magnificent sound , has n't it ? and so much of it a slum ; the rich live above on the piani nobili , the ground floors and cellars are rented out to artisans ; my mother , who was brought up in those streets , says to know them you must have breathed the air in the evenings when the wine-shops are full and they are lighting charcoal braziers on the pavements ; she says I will go one day , but I think I know already — well , a woman in Mena 's street who sold salad greens knew the cook who worked for Anna and the prince round the corner and Mena was given things to do in the kitchen .
14 She somebody has fenced it off , she says I could see them far enough , she said , we always had that bit for our camp and it was further down the glen .
15 She says I could put hers down , you says I could put yours so stop telling big whoppers again .
16 She says I should imagine they 'll be feeling shocked and they may be panicking .
17 She said I shall take it and pay it on Thursday .
18 she said I may have
19 no she said I 'm alright now I 've had a sandwich , so , anyhow she left it , so I left it , I said well it 's there if you want , she said I 'll eat it later then granddad , anyhow making the tea she said put the microwave on and we , we were having salmon
20 She said I 'll go one then and she will go and er give us a shout , because
21 and then she said I 'll go to the toilet she says I can go by myself she says !
22 Our Lisa well she said I 'll stand at
23 She said I 'll give you some petrol money , I said I 'm not bothered about petrol money , I said it 's the fact that I 've got ta come round to pick you up , I said I 'm not a taxi !
24 somewhere like that she said , but I 've er decided not to , she said I 'll give you the money on Saturday if that 's alright ?
25 Well I could n't do nothing about it really , she said well that 'll be sorted out in she said I 'll treat it , we 're now sorting it out today what we 're doing .
26 she said that and she said she do n't mind us swearing she said I 'll leave you fourteen , it actually says twenty tapes in the , bits of paper but she said if you could fill twenty I 'd be over the moon did she say ?
27 So she said I 'll do I 'll sort it out straight away for you well I had a phone call at
28 So she said I 'll do it on the computer and and I 'll let you know so we 're eighty pound behind well course we never sent one month at all !
29 And erm she said all right and I said what do I do with them and she said I 'll put them down in the base at the back and I said all right so I went back on the shop floor just before I was coming out come out .
30 She said I 'll put one more pound in gon na lose all my money in here .
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