Example sentences of "she and [pron] [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 Well she 's having her party so Christmas day is the Wednesday boxing day is the Thursday and she and she having her party on the Saturday , Sunday .
2 Ten minutes later , she miaowed if I approached her and it took her several hours to forgive me and to stop treating me like a walking cat repellent .
3 She mumbled something while Flora supported her and I wiped her face with the warm , fizzy water .
4 For a moment she felt totally disorientated , lost , until his arms tightened round her and he lifted her head .
5 Then his head dipped towards her and he kissed her full on the lips , a harsh , plundering kiss that robbed her of breath and left her trembling beneath him .
6 This time he did not try to stop her and she made her way to the attics in a seething temper , depositing the box of Lady Merchiston 's effects without even thinking what she was doing .
7 Melanie covered the counter with toys for her and she ran her suede gloves over the painted surfaces of wood and tin , crying out at intervals : ‘ Golly !
8 The room revolved round her and she ran her tongue over suddenly dry lips .
9 As she began each one , Mum 's words came back to her and she felt her cheeks growing hot .
10 Only the unfeeling Moor was left to succour her and she gritted her teeth as she began to climb a rocky incline , refusing to think about the future .
11 He turned and looked at her and she hung her head .
12 Today John had gone out to lunch before her and she ate her sandwiches quickly , then started out on the brisk quarter of an hour 's walk to her uncle 's church .
13 Matthew put his arm round her and she burrowed her head into his shoulder .
14 A car slowed down to pass her and she raised her crop graciously .
15 Edward , utterly wretched , put his arms about her and she raised her mouth to his .
16 Fernando turned to look at her and she lifted her head from his shoulder to stare wildly out to the horizon , so engrossed with yet another disturbing thought she did n't notice the curious expression on his face .
17 The harp was brought to her and she took her customary seat by the huge fireplace in the north wall .
18 By the time she had done it several times , and copied out the postscript , and redone the drawing , it sounded false to her and she lost her nerve completely .
19 Then reality closed its cold hand around her and she remembered her captivity as one seamless procession of days that had begun just like this .
20 There was no desire left in her and she shook her head .
21 Anger roared inside her and she opened her mouth to tell him in no uncertain terms where to go , only she did n't have a chance to utter even one heated word , as he bent and covered her parted lips with his , kissing her with a thoroughness that left her shaken .
22 It stirred something deep and primitive in her and she closed her eyes in bliss as the last garment dropped to the floor .
23 Suddenly , a wave of tiredness swept through her and she closed her eyes for a moment , during which the girl remained quiet , but visibly agitated and eager to be getting on with her work .
24 But even as she made to turn away , his arms slid around her and she closed her eyes to everything but the sheer beauty of his kiss , the exquisite torture of his lips moving over her own , the hard strength of his body pressed against hers .
25 Isobel soon realized that she had not made , from her point of view , the wisest of marriages , but Peter was very kind to her and she did her best to make him happy .
26 The horse was almost upon her and she shut her eyes , the better to see when it had reined to a halt .
27 He did n't annoy her and she shut her almighty trap .
28 He spoke to her and she dug her face into his navy blue breast and slept again , more deeply .
29 Then common sense and anger got the better of her and she firmed her mouth and concentrated on gently trying to wriggle the key free .
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