Example sentences of "she might [vb infin] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If I speak to Nerina , ’ said Bernard , whose blood pressure was so low there was talk of admitting him for a day or so , ‘ she might lift the curse .
2 For a long time she imagined she might open the door and see the body of her mother , stretched out in death on her bed , her arms folded across her chest , her eyes still open and staring at the ceiling .
3 She might open the box and find nothing there , she might be unable to remember the features of his face and the habits of a marriage .
4 Did he , then , believe that she might present a threat to Rob 's engagement — to a girl he liked and approved of ?
5 Were n't they — if Lucy could roll out this announcement like she might show a friend a new carpet .
6 If Mrs Sweet was in the picture , she might continue the pressure on Steen , and that could have unpleasant repercussions for Jacqui .
7 She grunted so hard there seemed a very strong chance she might drop a turd right there and then .
8 Cos if you walk under her ladder she might drop the water all over your head .
9 She thought she might avoid the place for a few days herself , just in case the boy had any ideas of adopting her as a protector .
10 She concluded of Diana : ‘ On the one hand she might bring a breath of fresh air into her relationship through the sheer force of her personality … on the other hand if her marriage becomes too restrictive she will break out and see new and more exciting horizons . ’
11 But she knew all the same that no-one had thought she might leave the tent which seemed warm now and dense with the presence of Antoine — Only he 's dead now , is n't he ?
12 She felt tired and wondered if she might manage a couple of hours ' sleep before the train reached London .
13 But , so she might stand a chance .
14 ‘ Do you think she might want a job and all ? ’
15 She might want the walk .
16 She might make a concession if it was a special occasion but otherwise she had more important things on her mind .
17 Mary Law had felt she might refuse the money because of this problem :
18 Charity had never felt a true patriot whichever way she might analyse the term , but it seemed to matter that Britain now lay defenceless in the path of a monstrous hybrid composed of two powerful ideologies .
19 She raised a hand to touch the place , as if by such an action she might capture the feeling forever .
20 She might repeat the procedure at another specified bank in Parish and so on until the Credit was fully utilised .
21 ‘ Oh , I 'm not saying anything against the room — it 's just that she might prefer the privacy of a chalet — ’
22 Nicola was examining her bruise , her fingertips stroking the place and moving only in one direction , as if she might draw the pain down and away .
23 ‘ But do n't start getting any ideas that she might throw a fit of jealousy .
24 She says she does get worried that she might miss a change .
25 Harriet hardly dared blink as she watched her through the viewfinder , terrified she might miss the moment she was waiting for .
26 She might wet the seat .
27 She might hold the solution to the MacQuillan mystery . ’
28 She might break a fingernail or drop a cup simply because he was present in the room .
29 " Et vous , vous n'êtes pas étudiant , " she said , thinking that she might learn the difference between tarts and students sooner than she had imagined .
30 ‘ I have written to Mrs Ogilvy and enquired of her if Gigia might , for a consideration , and everything being arranged for her , if she might accept a travelling companion . ’
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