Example sentences of "she [vb mod] [verb] [pron] at " in BNC.

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1 He put on his shirt and suggested she should wash herself at the sink .
2 And what was it but deception that she should present herself at Vendelin Gajdusek 's home and allow him to think she was her sister ?
3 Day by day her bewilderment increased , and , such was the fascination exercised upon the mind by these anarchic powers , she might find herself at any step allured in folly , and dizzily unaware of her plight .
4 I 've asked Robins to collect her gear and she 'll meet us at the scene .
5 Yes , and Isabel must know , must surely remember it , Isabel who had had such a well-developed , careful , private system for the storing , ordering , labelling , arrangement and organisation of things , whose books were in a certain line , so that she could tell you at once , and without ever having to get up , what sat next to what and where Lewis and Short or Cassell 's French-English would be found , were she to consent to your borrowing them because you had lost your own .
6 She could cow him at a glance .
7 By the time the train moved off she could see nothing at all out of the window , she could scarcely see the window , so many people were squeezed between her and it .
8 With a field of vision as limited as hers it was amazing that she could see anything at all .
9 She imagined she could hear it at her back , behind the house and the soft green swell of land that shielded it , could hear the breaking thud of the winter waves on the shore she had not yet seen .
10 And if the man were as confident of getting away with MacQuillan 's murder as Wickham believed him to be , she could put herself at risk .
11 Just ge go anywhere sh I 'm sure she 'd entertain herself at the shops , she 'd be quite happy
12 exactly Kate must model , she 'd beat her at
13 She dressed without disturbing her , and left a note saying she 'd meet her at the Kitty Kat Club that night .
14 She uttered something loud and incomprehensible in Dutch and told me she 'd meet me at the coffee shop later .
15 She went rapidly through the story , and remembered that she 'd read it at the time .
16 Lee gave him a shove , there was some pushing and tripping up , Kevin fell over into Dean 's lap and a woman at the other end of the car shouted that if they did n't behave themselves she 'd find someone at Goldhawk Road who would make them .
17 She 'd phone them at the very first opportunity , knowing how they would have worried .
18 She would do it at night when it would be the easiest thing in the world .
19 Were Bernard to be unfaithful to her , she was convinced , she would leave him at once .
20 She would visit them at home at times , and have them spend an evening with her , with or without boy-friends .
21 She was watching him so intently as he bit into it that he began to wonder if Smallfry was right to fear she would poison him at the slightest opportunity .
22 Heaven knew how she would conceal it at school tomorrow , especially as she had games .
23 She would take him at his word .
24 He says if she can do it at seventy-three and disabled then so can we all .
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