Example sentences of "she [subord] [pron] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 She if you 've only had to have an you ca n't just say ooh watch your and er every time we 've away you take four times as much as it , it 's possible to wear !
2 He was no stranger now and leaving him was hard , more bitter to her than anything had ever been .
3 Rachel was kinder and gentler towards her than she had ever been before ; but she also required Phoebe to take responsibility for the baby , to be a good mother , to take heed for the morrow .
4 With a sense of shock Harriet realised that in the last hours Paula had become more of a stranger to her than she had ever been during the twenty years she had believed her dead .
5 They had stayed talking very late last night , and he knew a lot more about her than she had ever expected to tell anyone , while she knew something about him .
6 I ca n't keep a stronger tag on her than I do now , almost night and day .
7 The father she had always known would no longer have anything to do with her so she had eventually got a tiny room in a house in London which served as a hostel for single girls .
8 She tried to remember Isabelle objectively — wondering how she would have regarded her if they had simply met as strangers , but all she could call to mind was her mother 's warmth , and gentleness and capacity for love , and a slow anger began to build in her .
9 There is no way that anybody is going to stop me helping her if I die tomorrow . ’
10 Jenna did not have her mother 's memories , she could not conjure up his face , and she knew that this fact alone would haunt her if she stayed away .
11 He had been delighted beyond speech to see her until she had nervously produced the blue hospital card from out of her handbag .
12 ‘ I was looking after her chickens for her until she came home , ’ Liam had cried in the chapel .
13 One that gradually took the ice from her veins and relaxed her until she felt as snug as a bug and ready to purr like a kitten .
14 His words heartened Lucy to such an extent that uncontrollable giggles began to erupt from her until she became almost hysterical .
15 This man had tried to kill her , and this talk now was just an attempt to quiet her till he tried again .
16 The television had not defeated her because nothing had ever gone wrong with it , and it had only to be switched on and off or , scarcely more complicated , over .
17 ‘ Antonia told me he was besotted by her because he had never had sex like it .
18 ‘ I can imagine you saying that you really could n't tell her because you 'd entirely forgotten the incident — and if it had occurred it meant nothing to you . ’
19 I saw her and I , I be honest with you I hid , I be totally honest and I 'll tell her the same if I see her because I 've just found out then that they could n't do any more for me dad and I really did n't want to speak or see anybody and I sat in the canteen on my own , I just said to me mum , mum on the phone I said mum I need to do this on my own I said I 'm just gon na have a coffee in the cafeteria and I do n't know if you 've been in there but the cafeteria is all glass and she pulled up in a white van delivering something to the office , I thought oh no it 's Jenny she 's the last bleeding person I want there , I do n't mean that
20 Way I hear it , nobody got to see her while they stayed there .
21 He unlocked the car door , holding it for her while she slipped inside with a quiet murmur of thanks .
22 Anne claimed Joe to talk to him about the books she had read and all that had happened to her since he went away , and Terry and Stephen wanted to talk to him about football and their latest craze , greyhound racing .
23 He 'd kept in touch with her since he left home .
24 She did n't describe Lowell 's expression as he watched her go , nor the speed with which he 'd followed her after he had abruptly said good-bye to them .
25 An excellent amateur cameraman , he took a photograph of her before she left home .
26 Ben took the coin from her hand , then looked hard at her before he turned abruptly and went out .
27 I can picture her now sitting at the harmonium in her black lace gown , me standing beside her as we sang together .
28 He did n't touch her as they walked casually up the winding road to the high point .
29 His blue eyes studied her as they leant together against the french windows in the sunlight .
30 They swam then , and Damian made love to her in the hot sea , stripping her as they floated together , wrapping their bodies around each other in unreasoning desire , kissing saltily as their hoarse cries filled the air and they nearly sank like stones as Damian went rigid with pleasure , his fingers biting into her nude body in the warm water .
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