Example sentences of "she [subord] [art] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I would have murdered her if the knife had been sharper .
2 As well as giving her cause to be anxious about Rosemary — whose parents would make life most uncomfortable for her if the rumours circulating the village ever reached them — it was a blow to know that Sebastian would be away for the rest of the year .
3 He brought it out of his trouser pocket , held the straight end and let it uncoil in front of her until the loop swung down .
4 Mrs Murchie added : ’ I did not know what to do so I just kept talking to her until the ambulance arrived .
5 She carried them on to the terrace in front of the house , and sat down , intending to read one of the paperback books she 'd brought with her until the light faded .
6 Well of course she came running to me , you see , and we immediately phoned for the doctor , you see but , however , and I said , look , phone for the doctor , I said , and then I said go across to the railway police just across the yard and I asked one of them to come to me and I said I will go up with her and be with her until the doctor arrived , er he was with her the police sergeant when she died .
7 " Look , " his mother had said , making him watch with her while a tide spent itself .
8 Being cradled against her mother 's soft warm body , Dot tried to feel like a baby , to remember what she had seen through the crack in the double doors as Gloria had cradled Baby against her while the nurses gathered round with protective outstretched arms .
9 ‘ I held her while the ambulance came .
10 He stared at her while the seconds flew past , and then he shook his head .
11 Did you hear how , oh suppose you have n't spoken to her since the party have you ?
12 Not that he 'd said so ; he had n't spoken a word to her since the guide had joined them .
13 The youngest son came to the totem , to Tallis , and straightened her after the blizzard had made her lean to the left .
14 Someone found her before the farmer did and so she survived .
15 Why did n't he just go while she could still maintain some degree of composure , this deliberate distancing of herself from the rapture that had possessed her before the telephone rang ?
16 She appreciated Doc Threadneedle 's handiwork , but also she learned to love what had been done for her before the biowizard came along .
17 Our one chance of sorting this out is to get to her before the Provos know for sure she 's in Ireland .
18 ‘ If Fraser had n't mucked about when he got back and found she 'd gone , we might have caught her before the boat sailed . ’
19 ‘ We do n't need it , ’ Lucy assured her as the coach continued along the road towards the bush .
20 ‘ I 'll be jake , mum , ’ but Jean was n't so sure , and kept an eye on her as the day progressed .
21 He turned away from her as the telephone rang .
22 His lips caught her as the water cascaded around them , and it was like being kissed under a waterfall .
23 A yelp of shock escaped her as the door opened forcefully beneath her second assault to reveal a figure straight out of a Viking saga .
24 Sister Cooney smiled and looked up at the board in front of her as the bell rang .
25 He had merely smiled and waved to her as the bus pulled away .
26 He 'll end up running after her along the platform , bundling books and plaice and Government papers in through the window of the carriage at her as the train moves out …
27 The searchlight beam became much stronger , blinding her as the monster rumbled on towards them .
28 Not since the first time in the gloomy training tunnel deep underground had the panic risen in her as the rubber closed around her nose and mouth , momentarily sealing off her breathing , like a parasitic thing covering her face .
29 The touch of his lips on her skin sent tremors through her as the blood began to dance in her veins , and , as his mouth left her shoulder to trail an upward path , nuzzling at vulnerable places on her neck and throat , her head went back in submission .
30 No one had hugged her as the woman had , for years .
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