Example sentences of "she [vb past] for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She experienced for the first time the frightening inhospitality of city streets .
2 She read for a long time , and I had the bonus of knowing my father was waiting impatiently to fuck her again on this night of nights which was really their honeymoon .
3 The next year she applied for the nursing course .
4 She made for the new extension , hoping she had imagined that speculative look in her young assistant 's eye , and feeling that she 'd better let him think the Palmer & Pearson file had dropped on her desk while he was absent on Friday .
5 She knew her limitations better than she knew her worth , and she taught in a private school because it gave her a little more latitude to come and go as she wished — an important point , since she cared for an old mother whom eighty years had made exacting .
6 She fought for the working class she fought for education she fought for everything to benefit the community she was a wonderful person !
7 She realised for the first time how Benjamin must be feeling .
8 ‘ But only because when we turned up at the solicitor 's to work out the marriage settlement — her idea , not mine — she realised for the first time that I was n't as rich as she thought .
9 Speechless , she glared at him , then felt the colour start back to her cheeks as she realised for the first time what he was dressed in , which was very little indeed .
10 But as she sipped the hot , reviving brew , she realised for the first time since buying the house just how very quiet it was — eerily quiet .
11 She had n't missed him at all when he died , but now she realized for the first time that she had lost her father .
12 She realized for the first time fully consciously that she was ill at ease with , even afraid of , very tall men .
13 When she heard the voice of Sam 's mother she realized for the first time that it was more than likely that her own mother would , during the course of the evening , make some reference to the dinner-party which , she had been led to believe , was taking place in Pam 's house .
14 She had repaid £35 in seven monthly instalments of £5 , when she asked for a second loan .
15 She asked for a second helping of spinach .
16 Last year she asked for a big French dictionary for her birthday . ’
17 Last time I went up she asked for a little bell , so she could ring for me .
18 ‘ But why ca n't I join Brownies , Mummy ? ’ she asked for the twentieth time .
19 She tried for a neutral tone .
20 She might have guessed that as soon as she tried for a little peace and quiet the whole place would be inundated with callers .
21 She tried for a brighter smile .
22 At the door , she stopped for the last time .
23 As the fire was crackling into life she headed for the small lavatory in the hall .
24 Abandoning an untouched plate of food , she headed for the nearest door .
25 She headed for the outsize black car that was parked opposite .
26 RUNAWAY teenager Nicola Rogers told today why she headed for the bright lights of Blackpool after leaving her home 100 miles away four days ago .
27 She suffered for a long time and although her father never knew about it , her mother did . ’
28 She darted for the open doors and down the stone step to the garden .
29 She claimed she had never realised the significance of the tape , which she played for the first time ‘ weeks later ’ .
30 She noticed for the first time that he was wearing a pair of white , glowing incongruously in the twilight .
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