Example sentences of "she [vb past] [vb pp] [adv] of " in BNC.

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1 KYLIE MINOGUE has split from her record company — because she got fed up of being treated like a money-making machine .
2 It was mostly soft grass and woodchips here , and she 'd stepped out of her shoes and was now carrying them , walking barefoot .
3 and erm and that 's what erm , the teacher came and said she 'd fallen out of erm one of the , er I think she said bogeys or something ?
4 We 'd been bickering since New Year and she 'd flounced out of my city flat in early May , darkly muttering , Nevermore !
5 Pete , thinking of the Venetz sisters ' reputation for efficiency and attention to detail , asked her if she 'd hit any problems over having no social security records or documentation ; she currently had the status of an illegal immigrant , after all , and had even dumped her hot French passport as she 'd walked out of the 78 air terminal .
6 Yet Mrs Blakey continued to sense the unease she 'd been aware of on the telephone , which she 'd first of all sensed when she 'd looked out of the landing window and seen the boy with the children in the garden .
7 At least , he 'd hated her after that single flare of interest as she 'd climbed out of Peter 's hired jeep , but it had died instantly when , striding boyishly round the front of the vehicle , Peter had gone straight up to his elder brother and announced , ‘ Meet my amazing fiancée , big brother ! ’
8 Bought as a second pony after she had grown out of Buttons , he had proved himself such a marvellous jumper and such a resolute galloper , Artemis could n't possibly imagine life without him .
9 She had winkled out of him that he got the story from Georgie and she had much trouble persuading him it was a joke .
10 She was thought to haunt the Dane Hills of Leicestershire in England , and to live in a cave she had dug out of the rock with her own hands .
11 She had moved out of hearing .
12 Was that why she had moved out of the Wilson family home ?
13 All of these she had wriggled out of , and as they were leaving the cinema he had had the nerve to say , ‘ You know , I really respect you for saying no , Benny .
14 But when he had asked her to marry him , she had declined out of nothing more than pique .
15 As she gathered up the bedding and cushions she had hung out of the windows to air before the evening earth began to exhale dew , she wondered whether she should fetch out her best mantilla , the white lace her mother had given her for her first communion , which she never wore because it seemed so showy , and had n't worn even yesterday for the Easter Mass .
16 She had appeared out of nowhere three years previously , with money and connections , and had almost immediately established herself as one of the city 's leading society hostesses .
17 It was as if she had fallen out of a generous sky .
18 Mrs Ross ’ s condition had deteriorated ; she had fallen out of bed and it seemed she might have suffered a further stroke .
19 But by then the world knew that Diana loathed the sport — and suspected she had fallen out of love with Charles .
20 Trouble was , she had run out of directions .
21 After two years her owner felt that she had run out of options : Anna was a horse without a future : she could never be a riding horse , nor would she ever breed .
22 Although she had run out of steam and no longer cared whether she lived or died , there was no way she was going to give up .
23 She had run out of choices .
24 By about two-thirty she had run out of ways of dodging him .
25 Now he would know that she had rushed out of the solar , half dressed , to find him .
26 She remembered the distinct thud of disappointment verging on alarm she had experienced when she had stepped out of the lift to find him surrounded by luggage , obviously leaving .
27 She was wearing the huge red skirt she had made out of some curtains someone had sent to the jumble , and a black polo-necked jersey , and she had tied her hair up with the Indian scarf Luke had given her for Christmas .
28 It hardly seemed fair to keep them in the cage she had made out of an old claret case she had dragged up from the cellar .
29 She had reacted out of habit .
30 The Lord had n't dealt bitterly with her , she had gone out of God 's will , she had taken herself out of the covering of God 's protection and blessing .
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