Example sentences of "she [vb past] [adv] [adv] that " in BNC.

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1 As soon as she recovered from her surprise , she moved away so that he would not notice her .
2 Birkenhead 's next book was a most entertaining and vivid memoir ( 1953 ) of his highly eccentric novel-writing , gypsy-loving ( she believed quite wrongly that the family had gypsy descent ) elder sister , Eleanor .
3 In spite of herself she stirred so sharply that he felt her astonishment recoil upon his own flesh and set him trembling .
4 She turned away so that he would not see .
5 Her health began to suffer , which was understandable , and I think at one time she deteriorated so badly that the doctors rather washed their hands of her .
6 She sighed so heavily that her whole ribcage moved .
7 They begged Franca to come too , and she declined so tactfully that they could all , without awkwardness , smile over the plan and even discuss it .
8 ‘ I love you , Fernando , ’ she breathed so softly that she wondered if he had heard .
9 Under cover of the conversation , Luke drew her attention , his hand brushing against her arm through the fine fabric of the lacy jacket , and she started nervously so that a few drops of wine spilled over the rim of her glass .
10 ‘ And now she adores another — that 's life ! ’ she clipped so tightly that it was quite plain she was hurt .
11 She laughed so infectiously that Athelstan joined in and , for the first time since he had arrived at St Erconwald 's , the nave of his church rang with laughter .
12 Oh , she knew well enough that if he were to walk through that door now , she would not entertain him ; her pride would not let her .
13 On the days when he used to leave her a note in the morning she knew well enough that there was no good to be hoped for in replying to it .
14 He had indicated already he wished her to stay in the house for the night , and she knew well enough that the continued presence of her widowed mother and four brothers in the servants ' quarters in the rear compound depended on her strict obedience to all the wishes of the plantation director in his house .
15 ‘ She did n't leave him because his star had fallen ; she knew well enough that he was the kind of man who 'd recover .
16 Seeing Harry coming down the wet , narrow street , she knew straight away that he was bringing bad news .
17 She knew right then that she could not face it if Alain married someone else .
18 She knew that she should extend some kind of apology herself , but she knew equally well that she had no intention of doing any such thing .
19 This was the last thing she had envisaged and she knew full well that if the rumours had reached her ears there was a very good chance he too would have heard them .
20 Yet , given her great fears on that score , Rosemary , when she knew full well that Travis was in their flat , came across the corridor for coffee later that night .
21 Quite clearly , Paul Fisher thought she had reported him to his superior , but she knew full well that she had n't .
22 Fabia murmured politely , for all she knew full well that the woman could not understand her .
23 She knew too well that my afternoon times of quiet were often cut short by a ‘ jam session ’ .
24 She knew perfectly well that he was not very interested in paintings and that he was looking only for a secluded place where he could kiss her .
25 She made some weak excuse when she telephoned to break the appointment , but she knew perfectly well that she was apprehensive about going out in case the weather changed and it began to rain .
26 One of my former patients , whose ex-husband had spent their entire marriage telling her that she was ‘ stupid ’ or ‘ brainless ’ , told me that , although she knew perfectly well that this was not true , by the time she had heard it said every day for the twelve years they had been together she had begun to believe that there must be something in it .
27 She knew perfectly well that she and Ludo were right for each other .
28 She really wanted a cup of tea and she knew perfectly well that Glyn would serve her up something that looked like brown shoe polish .
29 She did n't want to see him although she knew perfectly well that he would have to be faced .
30 She wanted to leave Alain 's mother with the very best impression and she knew perfectly well that if she sat with Alain there would be only brooding silence .
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